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Recipes with Water

Pickling Whole cloves Liquid atamon Water ...

The peaches over poured with boiling water and stand 5 min., for they can be skinned. The peeled peaches to cool immediately in cold water and afdryppes. 2 whole cloves blended into each peach. Vinegar, water and sugar cooked with whole allspice. The peaches a

Pickling Mixed fresh sommerbær such as raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, currants, etc Sugar Water ...

Bed sheet brought to the boil. Make a small cross at the top of each peach and let them simmer in the bed sheet in 3-4 minutes, or until barely tender. Take the peaches up and arrow them. When the bed sheet is cooled by, be ferskerne back in it. Put a lid o

Pickling Yellow melatin (40 g) Vanila Fresh peaches ...

Grape fruits are washed, dried and cut into both, Chop fine. The kernels are removed gradually. The fruit is covered with water and boil gently, covered, for 20 min. the peaches scalded, skinned and sliced. The stones are removed. The meat is cut into both, mi

Pickling Cinnamon Carnations Vinegar ...

Black currant clean poured into the boiling water and invert gently around, so they all will be heat affected. Vinegar, sugar and spices added and evaporate boil at very low heat 10 min. the berries are picked up and placed in clean glass. The juice boiled 5 m

Sauces Water Fresh black currant Sugar depending on guavas are berries whose sweetness ...

For currant sauce cooked berries up with water, add sugar to the berries are never boil them to death, and cook with, for it is melted. Sieve the sauce, and cool completely.

Pickling Water Blackcurrant like frozen Sugar ...

Blackcurrant and water cooked to juice. Black currant juice and sugar kogesop under afskumning. The juice should be clear and it must be able to congeal on the back of a spoon. The gel is cooled and slight angle when it is almost cold add blackcurrant. The gel

Desserts (cold) Whipped cream Water Cane sugar ...

Rinse black currant clean, nip them and boil them together with half of the sugar. Must boil out completely. Sieve the juice from and refrigerate it. Beat the egg whites until stiff and beat the rest of the sugar in a little at a time. Stir in the icy black cu

Pickling Atamon Small rod cinnamon Rome ...

Hot blackcurrant, water and cinnamon stick slowly, covered, until the berries juices and let the berries then simmer for 4-5 min. Move the Pan from the heat, stir in the sugar, rum and atamon in and continue to stir the sugar is completely dissolved. Advantage