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Recipes with Pork Tenderloin

Mains Fresh thyme Olive oil Pepper ...

Free the Tenderloin of sinew and cut it into 2 cm thick slices. Twist the bacon around the meat. Willow buds, halve them and cook them for about 5 min. Del onions into quarters. Halve the peppers, remove frøstole and cut it into cubes. Set alternating meat, on

Mains Pepper Salt Red wine ...

Sveskerne soaked in red wine overnight. Slice the meat and liver in square pieces, which are seasoned with pepper. Set alternating prunes and meat on the barbecue spit, which brushed with oil and FRY 8-10 minutes under the grill or in the oil on the forehead.

Mains Minced parsley Onion Pork Tenderloin ...

Taking a ladle with a round shaft, like thick, and lists through the loin on the long part so that it will be hollow, we must support the shaft all the way through so it doesn't poke hole in the Tenderloin in the pages. You nicked onions parsley mushroom an

Mains Groftkværnet pepper Salt Chicken broth ...

Rinse the potatoes and boil them in salted water until tender on the 15-20 minutes. Arrow and chop the onions. Knead half the onions with the minced meat, egg, bread crumbs, salt and pepper. Form the meat into Walnut-sized meatballs with slightly damp ha

Mains Bacon, sliced Handful of parsley Onion ...

Pork Tenderloin of sinew trimmings mm., put it up on a cutting board. Cut it lengthwise, not quite through, stop approx. 2 cm. from the ground up. Open mørgraden up and bank the flat. Cut bacon finely, onion cut into half rings. Saute bacon and onion in sau

Mains Pepper Salt Soy sauce ...

Cut the meat into approximately 1 cm. thick slices. Mix the tomato paste, soy sauce, water, pineapple wetness and vinegar in a saucepan. Let the sauce cook up Peel and chop the onion. It came down in the pan. Put the meat into the boiling sauce. Cook for about

Mains Corn flour udrørt cold water Pepper Salt ...

De-fat, and cutting an incision down through it, without cutting completely through. Put a piece of film or a bag out on the table and put the meat flat on the film. Put another piece of film on top and bank with the Palm to the loin is uniformly flat. Fry

Mains Bacon Roasted potato wedges Butter for frying ...

Tenderloin cut into 2 cm thick slices, and wrapped with a slice of bacon there be fastened with a toothpick. Fry them in butter with a little olive oil approx 7 minutes on one side. Then invert the and over is poured with a splash of vodka, which ignited. Afte