Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Watercress, fresh Pepper Salt ...

The chopsticks are first peeled down with the fat edge down. Brunes on both sides of the melted fat. Stir 3-4 min and put on a dish. The loaf is chopped and roasted in the butter. The wine is poured and boiled in half. Broth, lemon juice and peel are added.

Mains Minced parsley Pepper Salt ...

Arrow the bulbs and cut them into small terns. Season the onions in a pot in half of the butter. Pour the wine and let it boil without lid until the wine is evaporated. Add mustard and milk and let it boil again. Cut the tomatoes in half, press them free of ke

Mains A little Rosemary Oil Pepper ...

The chops are browned and placed in a refractory dish. The oranges are cut into slices and placed on the chop. The chops are sprinkled with rosemary and cooked in the oven at 180-200 degrees C. alm. Oven for 30-40 minutes. Curry Sauce: The lid is peeled

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ell. margarine for frying ...

The chops are brown in the fat on the forehead. Put in an ovenproof dish and season with salt and pepper. Sliced ​​onion and sliced ​​apples are placed in the grease on the forehead and fry slightly. Pour the diapers with water and pour the can of LIDT w

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped tomatoes, canned ...

Prepare Accessories, Potato and Vegetable Mash. Rice, bulgur, potatoes or flute can be used. Arrow the bulbs and cut them in both. Bank the cutlets flat and shred the excess fat, sprinkle with peppers on both sides and turn them into flour. Step the chops i

Mains Greek barbecue spice Pepper Salt ...

Brown the chops and put them on a plate, season with salt and pepper. The mushrooms are cleaned and mushrooms and onions are chopped. Season onions and mushrooms until they do not rub more on the same pan as the chops, add balsamic vinegar Let onions and m

Mains Lettuce leaves Broth Cream 13% (or whipping cream) ...

Pork chops Brown the chops 1/2 minute on each side with good heat. Muffle the heat and finish with mild to even heat approx. 4 minutes on each side. Sprinkle with salt. Slice chili peppers along and remove the kernels, pil the onions and peel the ginger. C

Mains Jævning Pepper Salt ...

Chop onions and spoon mushrooms in slices and season with a little oil in a saucepan. Cut the peppers into long strips and chop with. Add vegetable broth, tomato paste and peppers. Let the dish boil for a few minutes. Add cream and soap balm. The sauce is b