Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Brystkød from a hen Glutamates Ginger ...

The meat is cut into thin slices and browned in oil together with chopped onions. Soy sauce, wine, mushrooms and spices are added and everything boils slightly for approx. 20 min. Peppers and pears are cut well, spinning is a couple of minutes in oil and ad

Mains Salt Ginger, crushed Turmeric, ground ...

The loaf is chopped and spun in oil together with crushed garlic, chillipber and the other spices until the slice is ready. The coconut milk is poured into and salted with salt. Nellike and cinnamon are picked up and chickens cut into small pieces put in

Salads Salt Onion Garlic ...

Mix oil, lemon, crushed garlic and salt. Cut the full-bodied tomatoes into thick slices and loose in the rings. Leaves together with the dressing

Mains Juice of 1 lemon Black pepper Small bdt. parsley ...

Rub the lamb chops thoroughly with pepper and sprinkle them with lemon juice (store 1 teaspoon of juice). Arrow slipped and cut into thin slices. Clean the mushrooms and cut them into slices and drip them with the rest of the lemon juice. Rinse and chop the

Soups Juice of 1 lemon Salt Black pepper ...

The lamb cut is cut into small cubes. The onions and garlic cloves are peeled and chopped well. The oil is heated in a saucepan, and the flesh is well spread on all sides for approx. 10 minutes. Onion garlic is added and golden swirled with stirring. The fr

Mains Pepper Salt Plain yogurt ...

Cut the meat for 2-3 cm. Big cubes. Arrow went and chop it fine. Peel the garlic cloves and squeeze them into a bowl. Pour oil, vinegar and wine over the garlic and mix well with onions, peppers and rosemary. Place the meat in this marinade and let it pull und

Lunch Salt Black pepper Concentrated tomato puree ...

The meat is cut for 3-4 cm. Big cubes. The lid is peeled and chopped roughly. The tomatoes are put to dry. Heat the oil on a large frying pan and brown the pieces of meat well on all sides for approx. 5 minutes. Bring the chopped onion and leave it brown un

Mains A little rice wine or dry sherry Green bell pepper Onion ...

Both vegetables and hamburgers are cut into fine strips. The meat is turned into Maizena and golden in oil. The meat is taken and kept hot. Then vegetables are also roasted in hot oil, quite short, they must be crispy. Vinegar, rice wine and sugar are stirred