Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Appetizers Corn flour Onion Carrot ...

The pellets are cleaned and blanched. Carrot, parsley and onions are peeled and the cut is finely sautéed in 1 tbsp. Oil for the bulbs is clear, the bristles are placed on top of the herbs and add chicken stock, simmer under lid for approx. 30 min. When the br

Appetizers Corn flour Fennel White wine ...

The vegetables cut well and shake on the forehead (individually). Then sautéed ginger and garlic on the medium pan while this sewn is added to white wine. When the white wine is boiled half, add broth and smooth with maizena (which is stirred in cold water). T

Soups Steamed fillet of sole A few sprigs of thyme and parsley Finely chopped tomatkød ...

The fish fumet is smoothed off with a butter. Bowl a little, cook with white wine and chopped Basil, pull for about 10 minutes, boil and mix with cream. In a deep dish comes the steamed red tuna fillet. Decorated on top with fresh carrots and a little finel

Mains A little dill Pepper Salt ...

Peel and chop onions and garlic cloves fine. Boil both parts in the oil on a pan. Grease an ovenproof dish with butter and put the fillets in it. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and add onions and garlic with the oil that is attached. Flake the tomatoes an

Mains Broth from the fish Fresh tarragon Pepper ...

Salmon: The salmon meat is blended in a food processor with salt and pepper, add eggs and cream in a thin beam until the dad has become slippery and shiny. Lift the lid a couple of times on the blender and stir around. Rødtunge: Rødtungefileterne (double fi

Sides Parmesan cheese Pepper Parsley ...

Cut the peppers all along, remove the stem and the kernels. Chop onions and mushrooms and sweat both on the forehead. The eggs are whipped together in a bowl. Rasp, grated cheese, boiled bulgur, chopped parsley and stir the vegetables. Sprinkle with salt and p

Mains Pepper Salt Vinegar (inventory) ...

The breasts are cut by the pearls and knocked to the cake plate size between two pieces of film. Meat is cut from upper and lower thighs, approx. 250 g. Blend with salt, egg and whipped cream to a slippery father, the silver eels are removed and the farmer is

Mains Mint leaves Pepper Salt ...

Thighs cut by the pearl. Back and wings cut off (to be used for cloud). Make a soup of porridge, laurel leaves, thyme and parsley. Tie the vegetables together with cotton straps. In a pot, the back and wings are browned. Add water and soup and stew from