Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

Flour and butter mix together and mix yum - dough knead The dough is placed in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours, but at night The cauliflower is picked into smaller pieces and boiled in leached salt until they are tender Onions are chopped and placed o

Mains Iceberg, lettuce Bean sprouts Green bell pepper ...

Slice the turkey sauce into 1 tablespoon of oil and pick it up. The loaf is chopped and the pepper is cut into small terns. Onions, garlic and peppers are switched. Karrypasta, tomatoes, broth and coconut milk are added. Simmer under cover for 5-8 minutes.

Mains Salad of iceberg and fintsnittet sprouts Flute Green bell pepper ...

Slice the turkey sauce into 1 tablespoon of oil and pick it up. The loaf is chopped and the pepper is cut into small terns. Onions, garlic and peppers are switched. Karrypasta, tomatoes, broth and coconut milk are added. Simmer under cover for 5-8 minutes.

Mains Oil for frying White wine Onion ...

Brush the ostrich cuvette in a little oil and stir in a 150 ° C hot oven for approx. 20 min. With interrupted frying ie. Step in oven for 5 min. Out of the oven 10 min. etc. Mushrooms and onions are cleaned and blended, steamed in butter, add tomato paste a

Mains A small cup crème fraiche 38% Salt Small potatoes ...

Fish-fry cells: Gedden is made and fillets, bones and skins are removed. Fish meat, fried and onion run once through a meat chopper. The mass is then thoroughly stirred with the flour and the 4 egg yolks are added one at a time. The whip flow is stirred in a l

Appetizers Chives Celeriac Carrot ...

The pears are cut into slices and put into water so that any soil residues can fall to the bottom. Sprinkle the broths and steam them on a layer of herbs (1 carrot - 1 small onion - 1/4 celeriac) for approx. 35 min. The pores are blanched and the water is filt

Appetizers Basil Chicken broth Eggs ...

Hummer meat is blended with egg and cream. Cut the basil in strips and turn them into the lobster stock. Fill the lobster mass in the tartlets and baked in preheated oven at 125 ° C for approx. 25 min. Decorate with fresh basil. Virgo soup: Onions cut into

Appetizers Celeriac Chervil Carrot ...

The pellets are ordered and blanched. (Steam boil on a layer of herbs - 1 carrot - 1 small onion - 1/4 celeriac) for approx. 35 min. The pellets are cut into the tern and shaken off in a little oil on a very hot forehead. Oysters are shaken off and the brussel