Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Salads Pepper Salt Lemon juice. freshly squeezed ...

Boil the pasta in leachate water. Let it drain and cool. Clean the vegetables and spoon onions, green pepper, mushrooms and carrots in thin strips. marinade: Pour vinegar and lemon juice into a bowl and add a little salt and freshly squeezed pepper. Stir u

Mains Pepper Salt Oil ...

Cut the eggplants into 5 slices long, then in long strips and finally in the tern. Let them draw with a little salt for 20 minutes and then wipe off the salt. Shake them on the forehead until they are tender. Remove the pan and add oil. Shake the coarse oni

Mains Pepper Salt Oil ...

Whip the eggs together with a tablespoon of cold water. Dip the chicken liver and clean it for impurities. Cut the slices and cut the mushrooms into smaller pieces. Shake first onions and live on the forehead in a little oil, then the sponges. Take the fill

Mains Pepper Chives, fresh Rye bread. whole grains ...

Boil the potatoes with peel on. Cut onions in thin slices and pour them golden in the margarine. Whip eggs, milk and spices together in a bowl. Pil the potatoes when they are tender. Cool them a little and cut them into slices. Stir the potato slices for

Mains Pinch. chilli (sweet or strong) Peper Salt ...

The shrimp is thawed and dripped off. The mushrooms are cleaned and sliced, possibly on an egg piece. The pepper fruit is cleaned and cut into thin short strips. The lid is chopped nicely and swirled together with the spices, this may be possible. Are omitted

Mains Salt Bamboo shoots into strips Turmeric ...

Cut the chicken meat into smaller pieces. Onion and garlic chopped half-grained. The dried chilli chopped nicely, or use a parsley shaker. It works excellent :) The fresh ginger is torn on the grater's rough grooves, the mass is collected in the hand (a good h

Mains Pepper Salt Green bell pepper ...

Cut the meat for approx. 1 cm thick strips. Arrow and chop onions. Rinse the peppers, freeze them for stalk and kernels and cut them into 1 cm thick strips. Mix broth, water, soy sauce, tomato sauce, ginger and 1/2 dl of the layer of pineapple sauce togethe

Mains Pepper Salt Green pepper ...

Cut potatoes, onion and onions in slices and lightly chop them in the margarine or oil. Cut the ham into cubes and add them together with red and green pepper cut into smaller pieces. Whip egg and milk together. Add water, salt and pepper and pour the mixture