Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Soups Pepper Salt Broth ...

1. Cabbages and onions cut into thin strips and FRY in oil in a pan. 2. The tomatoes and broth are added. 3.De peeled potatoes cut into tærn and added with thyme and tabasco. 4. The soup boil for 20 mins and season with salt and pepper. 5. The soup is serve

Mains Basil leaves Olive oil Oregano ...

Lamb keel laid bare in an ovenproof dish. olive oil mixed with pressed garlic, salt, pepper, and chopped basil leaves. Pour the marinade over lamb Club. Roast lamb the mallet in the oven approximately 1 ½ hour at 170 degrees c. alm. oven. The middle of meat mu

Sides Eggs Chopped sunflower seeds Wheat flour ...

Use the amount of sausage meat, flour, eggs and milk/water as a regular recipe for meatballs. Add the garlic, onion, cilantro and sunflower seeds at will. Stir in stuffing and mix the other ingredients in.

Soups Pepper Salt Curry ...

The finely chopped onion and the finely chopped garlic cloves in a dry fry pan along with the minced beef. When it is svitset seasoned with carry and paprika. Now pour the vegetable broth and it boils up. Add the pureed tomatoes and basil. When it is aga

Mains URf.eks. all round spice Pepper Rice ...

4 tomatoes, cucumber, mushrooms and onions cut into fine cubes and sauté in the pan. Like in this order: Onion-mushroom-cucumber-tomato When it is golden, add the peeled tomatoes and then garlic. Season with salt and booed-and possibly. other spices accor

Mains Groftkværnet pepper Olive oil Torn shell of 1 lemon or lime ...

rub the thighs in lemon juice and salt and pepper, stand to be + cold as long as possible. cut eggplants into slices and put them in the microwave until they are soft in my 4-5. slice the onion and sliced garlic, mushrooms and slice them roughly, clean cut tom

Mains Balsimikum Ribbon pasta Cream freise ...

take the spaghetti and cook it while the cooker heats a frying pan (with canola oil) and lies are cut, when Pan is hot put the onions on and "blankes" so they are not brown. When the spaghetti is done put it in a bowl of food, add onions, Frei's cream and fina

Mains Butter Pepper Eggs ...

The minced meat in a bowl and mix with the finely chopped onion, bread crumbs, salt, pepper, eggs and the crumbled bouillon cube. The water add a little at a time, and it all touched to a father who pulls in the fridge about 30 minutes. The fat in the Pan