Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Soups Peas Some carrots Can also come second in ...

First you go out to barrel into the garden but what do you use it to think you what so low this soup out of the small vegetables you put just the grønsage you have with in and put in a pan and boil it very tender and so well it is tender blender you it beyond

Mains Kebab seasoning Nutmeg Oil ...

Peel the potatoes and grate them on the gullerøddernr, and grove page on tear the iron. Chop the onion and garlic finely and Brown it in a wok with oil. Then came the meat and spices in and let it cook for meat is brown. Put so the vegetables, tomato puree

Soups Pepper Salt Sliced spring onions and Croutons ...

It all peeled off and cut out, and put in a large soup pot with approx. 6 litre water. Let it cook for a 30-40 my. Væden pour into a bowl, and the remaining blended (possibly with a hand blender directly into the Pan) add the now væden again. (you can add mor

Mains Sugar Peppercorn Juniper ...

The udbankede meat filled with spices and rolled like a roulade (ombindes probably) Added to marinating in wine and schnapps, 3 -4 days. Boil and 2 hours in a covered "FRY" (baking pan, heat-proof platter) by 180 degrees in the oven. cut out and serve

Soups Pepper Salt Brøndum snaps-flavoured ...

Chop half the onion and carrot fine. Gently fry them then map. Warm then pig Fund up to the boiling point, then add the cream and the pork vegetables. then pour the DRAM carefully in conjunction with kommenen. Now let it simmer for 5-7 minutes and then ti

Mains Good sjokolade Cherry wine Crushed juniper berries ...

We start with the sauce. 1ltr cream placed in a light boil, along with 1 large red currant jelly and a splash of sp spoon cherry wine, add a little butter, salt and pepper. as well as colour. levelled for the hangs by a fork. The back. who chop down

Cold cuts Pepper Salt Onion ...

1: getting the ham in the blænderen and blændt it and it came in a bowl. 2: cut the bell pepper and onion into small pieces and got it in the bowl. 3: cut purløgen and it came in conjunction with mayonaisen. 4: to taste with salt and pepper. 5: get

Lunch Lemon juice Lolla bionda Cucumber ...

Chop the onions, slice the tomato, avocados and cucumbers into slices havlerede. The tuna is diluted. Warm the bread a bit on the toaster, it should not have color, it just lunes. Butter the bread with mayonaise. The sandwich come together and onto a bit