Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Carrots Pepper Parsley, fresh ...

Put the rice over (use rice with wild rice) The fish pieces are spiced with salt and pepper and a little thyme and wrapped in a strip of bacon and closed with a toothpick. Stir by low-medium heat until the bacon is crisp. sauce: The tomatoes are chopped

Mains A little bread crumbs-do not Pepper Salt ...

The potatoes are peeled and cut into very thin slices. The onions are peeled and cut into slices (not necessarily in the rings). Put a layer of potatoes in a refractory dish. Put a layer of onion on top and sprinkle well with salt and pepper. Repeat this until

Soups Oregano Paprika Pepper ...

Onions and peppers are switched, without the onions taking color. The beef meat is added and browned. Bring beef broth and tomato paste over meat and onions. Add also laurel leaves, salt and pepper. Let the dish simmer under the lid for approx. 40 min. Then ad

Soups Chinese cabbage Whipped cream Peaches ...

Sweat onions and garlic with curry. Add the peeled tomatoes, the juice from the peaches, cream and broth. Let it simmer for a quarter and peanut while peaches and china cabbage fine. Finally add prawns and peaches to the soup (NB: do not cook now). Put the

Mains Onion Grated cheese, mozzarella 45 + Salami ...

You start by chopping onions and garlic, and you can put it in oil in a saucepan, after which you add the 2 cans of chopped tomatoes and the chop / ham. Then brush the bread on all sides, on a frying pan, then cut it up from one end to the other end, but no

Mains Jævnning from corn flour Pepper Salt ...

Peel the potatoes and cook them 35 min brown meat and onion. Add salt, pepper, ketchup, water and sausages. Leave simmer for 15 min. Evenly put it in a refractory dish. Make the mashed potato and over the sauce so it completely covers. In the oven at 225 un

Mains Pepper Salt Hvidkåls main ...

The meat is cut into cubes, which are turned into the flour. Peeled and chopped. The butter is placed in a saucepan, brine's meat and onions. The cabbage is cut well while the meat and onions brune, cabbage pyre salt pepper paprika and water come into the pan

Sides Pepper Salt Black olives ...

Chop onions and peppers and season the butter. Bring the flaked bulgur on and stir it for a few more minutes while stirring. Pour the boiling broth and let it boil under the lid approx. 15 min. Take the pot from the heat and add the chopped tomatoes. Sprinkle