Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Soups EVS. a little finely chopped parsley Thyme Turkey bacon (alm. bacon cubes can also be used) ...

Soup: Season the curry in the oil and add the chopped onions. Then you will get tomatoes, boullion and squeezed garlic. Lay the lid on the soup and simmer for 20 minutes. Add cremefine, let the soup boil and season with salt and pepper. Finally, mix the soup t

Mains Cashew nuts Ginger (totally ok if it is in powder form) Mug parsley ...

Peel all the root vegetables first and chop them roughly. Then chop the pears and chili as well as onion, garlic and crushed pot and put it all in a saucepan. Fill the pot with water until all the root crops are covered and set to boil. Depending on how rough

Soups Roasted nigellafrø. can be omitted Butter Cream 9% may well be used ...

Bring or cut the stabbing end of the green asparagus. Cut the heads off and save them, cut the rods into smaller pieces. Chop the onions well and season them briefly in butter Together with the asparagus pieces in a saucepan. Pour the wine and broth and simme

Mains Suit Pepper Pepper. White ...

The meat is cut into the tern that comes in a saucepan with water, a beef bouillon dice and a bay leaf, let it boil approx. 2 hours until the meat is tender. Put the water from the meat and store the water in a bowl and the meat in another. Season the ca

Mains Cream Red sausages, best for pølseret Tomato puree ...

Cook the potatoes in a saucepan about 1 hour before making the dish, style them in the fridge when they are done so that they can cool ... Pour cream and tomato into a saucepan, on low heat until reddish color. Cut all the potatoes into 4 pieces and put the

Buffets Apples Plums EVS. chilli ...

Cut all the ingredients apart from the chili, like roughly. Then cut the chili into tiny pieces. Pour olive oil on the forehead and stir it all together until it looks a bit fried and tasted. If you thought it needed to be fried more then do it.

Mains (if desired, 1 tablespoon sugar and a little cream) Pepper Rice ...

Stir a solid father of minced beef, rasp, mashed potatoes, spices, eggs and milk. Roll / swallow a good spicy dad in a slice of bacon and do it with the rest of the dad. The rollers may be Kept with cotton yarn. The bacondolms are browned in margarine and

Appetizers Juice of ½ lemon Onion Sour cream ...

Boil water and make 6 dl vegetable boullion. Put the house blossom in a bowl of cold water. Drain the tuna and blend the 2 tomatoes, chopped, creme fraiche and the tuna in a bowl. The 6 dl boullion must be hot (but finally not boiling). Turn the house blow