Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Tabasco Mushroom Peeled tomatoes ...

The ravioli is boiled and served in a refractory dish. The lid is chopped and switched into the pan. Then add to the pan fried tomatoes, hammer, mushroom and tabasco as desired. Grydens content poured over the ravioli in the refractory dish. Cooking cream i

Appetizers Salt Roll pizza dough Cream cheese naturel ...

Cut onion on slices and grate on pan with bacon tern until the onions are tender. Cream cheese and crushed garlic are heated to a liquid mass. Stir well. Grease the curd on the pizza dough, and onion / bacon lots upstairs. Behind 225 C for 25 min.

Soups Bacon (ca. 150 g for 3 persons) Oil Pepper ...

Cut / chop / cut all vegetables and season them in a hot pot of oil for 5-10 minutes. Then bring the water with the broth, a parsley tin and thyme and simmer for approx. 20-30 min. Until the potatoes are tender and spice well with plenty of salt and pepper. St

Mains 100 g parmesan cheese Oil Pepper ...

Pasta is cooked, dripped and served in rasp of sprinkled oven dish. The onions are chopped well Beef and onions are exchanged in a pan (oil), after which the tomatoes are added (with liquid), seasoned with salt and pepper. Turning to low heat. Pour over the

Salads Aguark Onion Salad ...

Chop loaf, salad, tomato and aguark in small tern. Put it all in a bowl and put it in. Finally pour the dress in and mix it well with a fork.

Mains Oil for frying Pepper Breadcrumbs ...

Step onion and meat in the oil. Tear the carrots and put them in. Let it simmer for a few minutes. Chop the jalapenos fine and step with. Then bring the chilli and tomato puree in and let it fry quite briefly, stirring. Finally, the chopped tomatoes and the wa

Mains Wheat flour-1/4 of the dish (on the flesh) Eggs Onion ...

The onions are chopped fresh. Everything is mixed and stirred. In oven: 180-200 degrees for half an hour (if the oven is cold) On the forehead: 2-4 min on each side. tips: Gets good with parsley in.

Soups Flute Pepper Salt ...

Prepare noodles, let go of dough, cut into smaller pieces. Chop onions, celery and chop the greens with the meat in oil. Add broth, tomato, sambal oelek and cumin saucepan. Boil the soup approx. 5 min. Turn the noodles in, taste with salt, pepper and soya and