Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Butter for frying Green bell pepper Onion ...

Start with the pimentauceau: Peel the slices and chop it into slices, freeze the green pepper for kernels and cut it into coarse pieces. Sauter onions and pepper pieces in a little oil, they must not take color. Bring the vinegar and let it boil. The white

Mains Fish broth Oil Cream cheese ...

The fish is divided into 2 pieces and the majors are cut into spell. Onions and tomatoes are chopped. Mayroes, onions and tomatoes are put on one half of the fish, the other half of the fish is laid over. Oil, cream cheese and broth are shaken well and pour

Mains Lemon pepper Lemon juice Fresh herbs, such as tarragon, Rosemary and lovage ...

Pears, eggplant, onion and squash are cut into strips or squares and wrapped in oil. Season with salt, pepper and lemon pepper. The vegetables are laid in a refractory dish. The cleaned salmon slices are laid on top of the green. Seasonings are spread over the

Cold cuts Minced parsley Pepper Salt ...

The salmon is chopped fine and then mixed with the other ingredients. Set cold for approx. 30 min. Eaten with bread.

Mains Pepper Wheat flour Onion ...

Make the white wine crises by chopping onions and sage leaves roughly. The suite slipped into butter in a thickened pot. Pour the rice and beat them for 2 minutes. Pour white wine over and water, so that the liquid will be at the rice indicated on the package.

Mains Pepper Saffron Salt ...

Give the savoy cabbage leaves (or chinacilla leaves) a boil in salted water, cool them and place them on top of the salmon slices. Cut the fish fillet by cutting the fish fillet into smaller pieces and cut it in quarters. Blend fish and onion for a short wh

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon ...

Make the cooking layer by pouring the water into a large pot or fish pot. Cut the peel into quarters and put it in the water with wine, bay leaf, pepper and salt. Put the fish fillets in the pan with the meatballs, and then bring the water to the boil. Boil

Mains Pineapple Lemon Salmon ...

The onions are peeled and chopped well. The mushrooms are washed and cut well. The ananas are cut into small pieces and dripped off. Fresh mussels are made clean and cooked. In the tomatoes a cross is cut and they are put in boiling water for a short while unt