Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Mains recipes

Mains Garlic salt Pepper Reindeer Club ...

'S Mallet, sprinkle with garlic salt and pepper, lay the bacon on top of the entire Club, volume with string. 175 degrees for about 3 hours, after which the big club is.

Mains Wheat flour Ketchup Milk ...

Stirred for a father with ham cubes, place in baking dish in Ketchup and mustard is stirred together equal parts of each, so that it covers the surface. Never immerse the bread crumbs on top. Bake approximately 35 min at 180 g

Mains Pepper Salt Milk ...

Got milk in a saucepan with the sauce tilhørnede ingrediencer, and let it boil up. take it off the heat and leave it to you to use it. stir all ingrediencerne related forcemeat together (Taste like at the raw sausage meat, if it needs more Salt or Pepper. it t

Mains Pizza spice aftertaste Salt Pepperoni slices ...

Stir the yeast into the water and flour and salt added. The dough is kneaded smooth and supple and raises covered ½ hour. The dough is divided into 2 pieces, each rolled very thinly. Tomato paste is distributed on the 2 bottoms and the grated cheese sprinkl

Mains Broth of e.g. chicken or groentsag Guleroedder Potato ...

The evening before, tasting meat in small cubes and marinate in whitewine and groentsag broth. The next day tasting reste in small pieces and Sear in pan. Everything came up in the dish and came in the oven. There must be liquid to cover it all. 200 grade cels

Mains Pepper Grated cheese, mozzarella 45 + Salt ...

Clean the leek and cut it into thin slices. Fry the bacon on a dry forehead. Add wine and cream and boil the mixture and season with salt and pepper. came the mixture into bottom of a greased casserole dish. Brown chicken on both sides and put them on top o

Mains Gullerødder Oil Pepper ...

A smørres baking pan with oil or margerine. vegetables-mushrooms are added at the bottom and the chicken lounge upstairs. then pour the chili garlic and mushrooms over. followed by salt and pepper. place in the oven at 200 degrees for 1 hour and 15 min. Tip

Mains Pepper Chives, fresh Salt ...

Fry the bacon crisp in a pan. The boiled potatoes cut into slices. chopped onions and sauté in fedstoffet on a frying pan. the potatoes are added. The eggs are whisked together with flour, milk, salt and pepper. egg mixture pour sleeps the potatoes, and