Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Mains recipes

Mains Suit Pepper Parsley (dried) ...

Fry the diced bacon in pan until brown and crispy. take bacon diced up and roast duck or pheasant in half until golden. Put half of the bacon, and apologise for, by, along with cream and dried parsley, cook 1 hour. Take ducks or pheasants up and put them in a

Mains Suit Margerine Pepper ...

Cook the spaghetti in salted water. At the same time increased the minced beef in a small dollop of margerine. It should FRY for reasonable high heat. Add colour to the right color is reached. Season with salt and pepper. When the spaghetti is cooked, and drai

Mains Pepper White cabbage Salt ...

Section hvidkåls head in small pieces Cut the carrots into small pieces Cut the potatoes into small cubes Cut the onion into small pieces Swich onion and ground beef in (a very big) saucepan along with the bacon and Brown it. Add the cabbage, carrots, b

Mains Garlic Pepper Salt ...

Saute the bacon and garlic. Turkey came in and sauté it with bacon and garlic. Com cream and tomato puree in, season with salt and pepper. Let the Court come to a boil and let it smire in 45-60 my. Tips: Served with fresh pasta and salad. Bon appétit:-)

Mains Banana slices Fintsnittet leek Cooked solve rice ...

Mix together the Lamb, breadcrumbs, egg, chopped onion and salt. Form forcemeat into 16 meatballs. Saute the pressed garlic in oil, add the Lamb meatballs and brown them well. Let them småstege 15 min. Cut the tomatoes into cubes and joined them in a pan. Le

Mains (4 chili for really strong) Pepper Salt ...

Brown onions in a large frying pan add the red pepper and mushrooms, let it FRY my 2-3. rose koletterne along with the vegetables, in the same pan, + chili "be cut in with a pair of scissors", salt and pepper, until tender. Add cream and let it simmer (do no

Mains Pepper Salt Tomato ketchup or chili sauce ...

Turn on the oven or Grill 1. rinse chicken and part it into appropriate pieces. Dry them well. 2. For the sauce touches you all ingredients together. 3. brush the chicken pieces with the sauce. Make sure there also comes the sauce under the skin. 4. Inse

Mains Chili Garlic into slices of your needs-can be omitted Potato flute or salad ...

Turn the oven on the 200gr. Chicken FRY map taken by and covered in sesame seeds and oil, Invert on the forehead. Cut a pocket in and fill in with good cheese of your needs. Flavored with salt and pepper. Cut the vegetables in coarse pieces. First sauté t