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Mains recipes

Mains Herbs to taste Pepper Salt ...

Place the hamburger rye in a small saucepan. Covered with water. Let the water boil up to the foam. Add the spices. Turn down the heat and put on the lid. Boil on low heat for 20 minutes. Remove the pan from the flare and allow the meat to rest in the wa

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

The ingredients should not be brown, but become golden and soft. Lift onions, peppers and fennel to the potatoes when they are ready and raise the liver at high heat in the oil from the vegetables. After three to four minutes, the liver is returned with the ot

Mains 2porrer ca. 1/3 rod (as much as one desires)-just remember there must be room for eggs and cheese ...! Pepper Pepperoni (as much as one desires)-approx. ½ package toppings pepperoni ...

Chop butter, flour and sesame seeds together ... mix the dough quickly with water or cream. (Let's finally be "kneading" the dough too hard as it's going to be cool and not as tender). Let the dough rest on the refrigerator for approx. ½ hour .. (the dough ca

Mains Pepper Salt Broth ...

Beat the meat slices well. Mix salt, pepper, mustard, onion and cream fraiche in a bowl. Distribute the mustard mixture over the meatballs and roll them together. Stick with toothpicks or meatballs. Warm the grease into a frying pan or sautépande and brown

Mains Cut dill Pepper Salt ...

Boil the beetroot in water, approx. ½ hour. Pour the water off, beat cold water over the beets and pil them. Cut the beetroot in thick slices Turn the slices into cone egg and rasp or rye flour. Brown the butter on the forehead and put the beetroot in it,

Mains Onion Oregano Paprika ...

Steaks: uncooked salt pepper creme fraice garlic thoroughly stirred together Then a slice of bacon rolled over the steaks and they were cooked on a pan with a little margarine Accessories: 5 dl Jasmin rice boiled in 8 dl. Water and a mess of butter 2 Eggs

Mains Bacon, diced Fresh parsley Pepper ...

Meat and bacon brune in the butter with good heat and season with salt and pepper. Chopped onions, garlic and rinded mushrooms brune with a few min. Heat the damp and add chopped, peeled tomatoes, broth and peppers. Let the dish simmer for 20 minutes. Cut t

Mains Spring onions (depending on size) Salmon steaks Rice ...

Cut the onions in small thin slices, wrap them on a forehead and put aside, but keep warm. Step the salmon on the pan until they are cooked, serve with rice and pour spring onions. Sauce; White wine sauce fits super to;) tips: You can possibly. Put rice