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Mains recipes

Mains Pepper Thyme Water ...

Mix all the ingredients together into a smooth father. Must be like a frikadellefars. Form the size of a small French bread and pour a little water (cloud to sauce). 200 gr. In the middle of the oven for approx. 40 min. Should be possible. Just have a little

Mains Whipped cream Soy sauce Onion ...

Boil the noodles in a saucepan by medium heat. Meanwhile, cut the chicken, beef or ham into small slices, and fry them on the forehead with a little oil. After the meat has been fried, add the cut vegetables together with the meat and fry it until the vegetabl

Mains Salt Milk Pepper nykværnet ...

father Stir the meat with salt and pepper Add flour and chopped onions Add egg, milk and water Then quench it for 30 minutes Other entries. Form the dad to buns and cook the balls in the water, sauté half the onion and garlic soft in a pan of butter an

Mains Pepper Salt Bouillon cube ...

Roll a slice of bacon about each fillet. Put them in an ovenproof dish, possibly. Lined with baking paper and put them in the middle of the oven for 20 minutes, approx. At 250 degrees. Boil the pasta in plenty of lazy water. Season onions and mushrooms in the

Mains Pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Peel the potatoes, cut into slices and cook 6-8 minutes on the pan, season with salt and pepper. (You can easily use frozen sliced ​​potatoes instead, they can also be heated in the oven if you want a slightly easier moussaka.) Meat sauce: Season onions, gar

Mains Fat Meljævning Pepper ...

Procedure-Neckline: The neck fillet is seasoned with salt & amp; pepper. Load slice of sliced ​​bacon over the ladder so they cover - may overlap slightly. The discs may be possible. Attached to the sides with meat needles during the frying. Place the neck f

Mains Chinese soy sauce Margarine Paprika ...

Peel and tear the carrots. Cut the cabbage into smaller pieces. Chop the onions. Season onion + paprika in margarine, add the meat and brown it well. Add the water and the cabbage and let it boil under the lid approx. 10 min. Add the cracked carrots and possi

Mains Mixed salad Pepper Salt ...

Turn on the oven at 225 degrees. Chop the onion, cut garlic and spring onions, sliced ​​carrots, sliced ​​squash and pepper in tern and split the broccoli into small bouquets. Heat the oil in a saucepan and season the onion and garlic. Add thyme, spring onions