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Mains recipes

Mains Pepper Salt Sugar ...

Set the oven to 200 degrees C. alm. oven. Cut the cabbage as fine as you can. Bring it in a bowl and turn with salt and juice from half a lemon. Put the fish in a small refractory form and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Distribute the butter over the fis

Mains Carrots Pepper Salt ...

Beef and coarsely chopped onions sprinkle on the forehead in butter, sprinkle with peppers, salt and pepper. All of it is poured into a pan, add broth and chopped tomatoes, add if necessary. carrots. When the meat is tender, pour it possible. Boiled potatoes

Mains Fresh spinach leaves Green fresh pasta Parmasam cheese ...

Cook the pasta for 2 min. Stir spinach leaves on the forehead until they are soft, add the pasta stirring it until the spinach is well spread add the parmasan cheese and stir again until it is well distributed. Finally add the salmon son you have cut into the

Mains Mushroom Curry Onion ...

1) cut the chicken into strips and cut the chicken and pepper into the tern 2) Brush chicken pieces quickly into a wok so they all have a nice brown color and put the pasta over 3) Swallow the vegetables together with the chicken 4) Add Championg, Curry and

Mains Oregano Parsley Thyme ...

1. Peppers cut into small uniform pieces. 2.Guluts are peeled and cut into thin slices. 3. Onions are cut well. 4. Season the onions in butter and then add the vegetables. Finally add the chopped peeled tomatoes and spices. 5. The sauce is silent silently

Mains Oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

Chop the loaf and put it into the bottom of a saucepan with a little oil until it is light golden, put the frozen spinach in the pan and heat it up so it is thawed. Take the saucepan off the heat and stir the remaining ingredients (not the saucepan) together

Mains Fresh basil Pepper Coarse salt ...

Pasta: Cook the pasta as directed on the gasket, while the fry dishes are roasted and the sauce is boiled. Frikadeller: Form 12 fry plates, and spoon them 4-5 minutes on each side of a pan in golden butter added oil. Sauce: Cheese licked in golden butter wit

Mains Eggs Wheat flour Pepper ...

1. Dip the schnitzels together with whipped egg and turn into the mixture of rasp and flour, fry in 4-5 min each side. 2. Sauce: Onions, mushrooms and 2 slices of bacon chopped and swirled together. Broth and sherry added. The sauce is flavored, peeled and ad