Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Mains recipes

Mains Spice Hvidøg Tenderloin ...

Cut tenderloin in tern, brown meat, add danablu, cream, creme fraice and garlic. Season well with oregano, salt and pepper. Served with rice.

Mains Pepper Salt Egg yolks ...

Shake the bread on one side of the toaster. Divide the meat into 2 and put it on the other side of the bread. Step the side with the meat on the forehead get min and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Remove the steak, add 2 onion rings. Lay the flowers in the

Mains Broccoli frozen as you like Handful of frozen beans Noodles (screws) ...

Boil the noodles Bake the bacon in the normal pan first while cutting the minima to the desired size and put them in the warm wok. When the bacon has finished, come over to the minima, 4 minutes before the noodles have finished, beans and broccoli came in t

Mains Small glass of beetroot Pommes frites English sauce ...

Take a large pot and start sweating the meat in the margarine together with one finely chopped onion and curry. Then add the cream, the English sauce, the paprika and the ketchup. Let the whole cook cook until the meat is tender. Put French fries on a baking

Mains Olive oil Oregano (3 stems) are picked and used Stemless Pepper ...

All the herbs / onion / garlic / chili chopped well, add lemon shale with the juice from one, and stir with oil (take care with the oil if you use too much waterfalls just out of both ends when the blend is stretched). Bring well with salt and then pepper to y

Mains Pepper Salt Thise el lurpak garlic butter ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees C. alm. oven. Scrape / peel the potatoes (turn on them just before the steaks come in the oven). Step bacon on the forehead so it's crispy, lay it on a plate of paper roll. Form the beef for 4 steaks, which are well browne

Mains Chicken bouillon cube Green pepper Red pepper ...

Start sweating the bacon. Then the chicken and spice come in and brune. Add the onion, mushroom and broth to the dice, then fry for 10 min. The spaghetti is put into a large pot. Red and green pepper is served in the chicken, as well as cremefine. After that

Mains Mushroom Kebabs Yellow pepper ...

Put spears in water so they do not burn on the grill. Cut fruits and fish into the tern and put them on the spoonful of shrimps. Pour oil and spices over and then put them on the grill until golden. Served with flutes, new potatoes and sauces (bearnaise, hol