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Mains recipes

Mains Fresh chilimix as needed Pepper Parsley ...

Mix the chicken phase with the following ingredients: onion, onion, garlic, egg, salt, pepper, chilimix, parsley, rasp, flour and milk. Let the dad drag for an hour, like longer. Grease a fireproof dish in a suitable size and then lay the bay leaves divided

Mains Pepper Salt Finely chopped cabbage ...

Turn on the oven at 220 degrees. Put asparagus and bell celery in the bottom of a refractory dish and pour the white wine over. It is important that the white wine only covers the asparagus exactly. Distribute the cabbage over it. Spice the salmon with lemo

Mains Freshly ground pepper Picked flat-leaf parsley Whole cinnamon or offended at will ...

Oksefrikadeller: Crush the casserole into a mortar or chop it. Stir the meat with salt and pepper for approx. 1 min. Add the cumin and other ingredients and stir well. Place it covered in the refrigerator like 1 hour. Shape the fry portions a little big and p

Mains Cutlet Beer ...

Preheat the oven to approx. 115C for 6 hours cooking or 180C for 1.5 hours of cooking. The best result is achieved by 6 hours, but 1.5 hours also provide a good result. Distribute the chopsticks in the dish, season well after taste (see any suggestions furt

Mains Margarine Curry Salt ...

Bring margarine and pepper into a saucepan and make it crispy. Stir onion and meat here until the meat falls apart. Add carrots and cabbage and simmer for 2 minutes. Then bring the rest of the ingredients into the pan and cook the dish for about 20 minutes

Mains Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Clean, onions, leeks, mushrooms and peppers. Cut onions, mushrooms and leeks into thin rings and pepper in the tern. Put the vegetables on the forehead without taking color and put them in a greased ovenproof dish. Sprinkle the sirloin and cut each sirloin

Mains Various spices Onion Bacon ...

Flake Bacon on a frying pan Spread the raw chopped beef over the bacon, leave a few cm free on one side. Chop well and spread over beef beef. Spices spread over beef and onions, not to be saved as both beef and bacon suck richly, and some disappear with the

Mains Mushrooms Cocktail sausages Bacon, diced ...

Bacon brune light, ham is cooked and heated. Tomato sauce, peeled tomatoes (like garlic and oragano), mushrooms, cocktail sausages and cream are mixed in. The court should simmer for 45 minutes. The dish is cooked if necessary, which I did not need. To th