Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Mains recipes

Mains Cayenne pepper Feta cheese, diced Greek yogurt ...

Peel 1 kg potatoes, cut them into slices and boil them in salted water for approximately 15 minutes, gently fry the beef in some oil on the skillet. Add the 1-2 paragraph pressed garlic. Next, add the pureed tomatoes and 1-2 tsp. cinnamon and 1-2 tsp. 1-2 teas

Mains Potato flour Pepper Salt ...

Brown the meat in a little olive oil, add a little water approx. 2 dl.-white wine-lauerbærblade-Peppercorn-onion cut into both-cinnamon stick-saffron. Let it spin for the meat is almost tender. Then add the carrots-garlic in all bold-peas-raisins and peeled

Mains Pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Take the skin off of the one salmon page and put in a serving dish. Starling monastery cheese in slices and Crown advantage oven on. Chop the parsley and dill. Sprinkle the herbs on top, along with salt, pepper and lime juice. Take the other hand and place it

Mains Cabbage fintsnittet Salt Water ...

Sauté the onion in the oil and add the meat when it is browned and add cabbage carrots and finely ground spices boil together for everything is tender in the meantime blended pancake batter of eggs, milk flour salt and water and baked 15 thin pancakes of dough

Mains Pepper Salt Celery, diced ...

Put all the vegetables in a serving pot, pour water in, then the button cover, sprinkle with the spices and cook the vegetables gently, covered, until almost tender. Cut the fish into large cubes and put them in. Cook 5 minutes more, season to taste and servèr

Mains Bacon, diced Red, yellow and green bell pepper Pineapple ...

First you cut the meat into large cubes, and roast it in the pan with the bacon and onion, which cut into fine cubes. when it is browned, put you in, so pineapple and peppers eventually mornay sauce. Tips: eaten with baguette.

Mains Pepper Salt Accessories ...

Rinse Tenderloin of sinew and cut them into slices and brown them on the forehead. Take the meat up and Brown the onions together with the pores. Pour it all into a baking dish/pan and add broth. Peppers into cubes, Bay leaves, thyme, salt and pepper are ad

Mains Corn flour cornstarch Pepper Pressed garlic ...

De-fat, Brown on all sides and FRY about 15 min. to set a little water so it does not burn on. The account shall be taken of the forehead and the rest covered, while the sauce is prepared. Peberfrugten Sauté a few minutes in the Pan and fry the onions, be a