Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wheat flour

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

The mallet lightly grease with butter. Chop the Juniper, mix salt and pepper in. Sprinkle mixture over the mallet. Mushrooms sauce: Sauté the mushrooms in half of the butter for about 5 minutes With the rest of the butter, cream, flour, salt and pepper made

Mains Table salt Sugar Eggs ...

Halve horn fish across. Sprinkle the flesh side with salt and pepper and fold them together once. Turn them in together in a mixture of beaten egg and bread crumbs, flour, parsley, lemon zest, salt and pepper. Let the butter in a frying pan and fry the Golden

Mains Salt Bay leaf Large onion ...

The fish is scraped and trimmed and sprinkled with salt. It draws 10 minutes, rinsed and dried. Onions, shallots and garlic peeled and chop fairly fine. The different onion cooked along with wine, parsley, thyme, peppercorns and bay leaf in good heat until

Mains Lemon Lemon juice Vegetables ...

Dry the fish well and cut the fins off. Cut each fillet into 2-3 pieces. Peel, if desired. the apples and grate them coarsely. Mix immediately with lemon juice and finely grated horseradish. turn if necessary. parsley in a little on each piece of fish. load an

Mains Freshly ground pepper New katofler Pepper ...

The fish be able and filleted. Flip the fillets in beaten egg and mix together the breadcrumbs of bread crumbs, flour, salt and pepper. Turn fish fillets in breadcrumbs and fry them in the Pan about 1 ½ minutes on each side or until they are through fried.

Mains Parsley Garfish Salt ...

Garfish are boned and cut into 5-7 cm long pieces that are filled with parsley. The fish turned into flour with added salt. Darnes Brown in a frying pan or in a pan, season with salt. Suit, milk or cream is poured over, FRY for 10 min. serve with boiled potato

Mains Pepper Salt Butter for frying ...

Start with the sauce: Chop mushrooms and sauté them with the onion in the butter in a pot – it should not be Brown. Add broth and wine and got the peas in. Let Cook without a lid for 10 min. Purer it through a sieve or getting it in a blender. Pour it back int

Mains Salt Chopped onion Entire-leaved frozen spinach ...

Rinse and dry the fish and cut it into suitable pieces. Mix the ingredients to boil brine and give it a rehash. Carefully lay the fish in and let the småsimre ca. 10 min.? or until it is firm and has changed color. Take the fish up and hold the warm under a cl