Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wheat flour

Cakes in form Salt Baking soda Dark chocolate ...

Melt the giant turtles together with the butter. Let it cool slightly. Whisk eggs and sugar together until it becomes fluffy. Add the flour, baking powder, salt and chopped chocolate. Add the cooled chocolate mass. Pour into a greased cake form or in a cake fo

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

Butter a cold frying pan with a little butter. Fold søtungefiletterne, like 2 together, and put them in the pan. Pour white wine and water at and turn on the heat. Steamed about 13 minutes for the fish is firm and white. Lifted it up. The Fund be smoothed s

Appetizers A few egg whites Wheat flour Mussels from canned ...

Dough: wheat flour touched lind with olive oil, a little salt and a glass of lukewarm water. Let dough pull. Meanwhile, beat a couple of egg whites stiff with a little salt. Turn the egg white in the dough. The dough can be seasoned as desired with paprika

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Wheat flour Oil ...

stir the yeast into the water. Add the oil, salt, mashed potato powder and pumpkin seeds. Add the flour gradually. the dough is kneaded thoroughly, it has a somewhat weird texture. It is not like a regular yeast dough, it seems more smulret. raises approximate

Lunch Wheat flour Onion Grated cheese ...

Meat and onions Sauté together, therein be complied with the rest. Småkoger in 10 min. Allow to cool Then mix the cheese in the dough rolling. for 3 servings. Meat sauce into greased on. Roll into a sausage and cut into slugs. Raises now. Bake 200 degrees for

Cakes in form Liquid margarine Baking soda Skimmed or mini milk ...

Wash the oranges, cut them in slices so thin and neat as possible. Remove any seeds. Click sveskerne. Advantage orange slices and prunes in a pie dish, covered with wax paper, at 25 centimeters in diameter. Pour the honey over. Whip eggs and sugar foamy and th

Cookies Eggs Baking soda Icing ...

Wheat flour and the other ingredients kneaded together into a uniform dough. The fat must not be softened but have its normal texture. The finished dough into 3 equal pieces, which rolled out for sausages in ca. 3 cm. thickness, at which point the set to cool,

Cakes in form Chocolate Water Cocoa ...

Fill and decorate: Sugar and water cooked to a syrup which is set to cooling. The chocolate is melted and stir in the sugar, bed sheet, and it all cools, it is hand warm. The 100 g. chocolate melted in a water bath. When the chocolate is hand warm touched 4