Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wheat flour

Cakes Salt Buttermilk Bicarbonate of soda ...

The fat is softened and stirred well with sugar. Add the eggs one at a time. The very ripe bananas moses and place in crushed nuts and havergrynet granted. Core milk poured in. Flour, bicarbonate of soda, vaniliesukker, salt, sifted together and Add. It al

Cakes in form Grated chocolate Vanilla sugar Cocoa ...

Fat softened (texture like mayonnaise) and stir well with the sugar for a ansartet mass, after which the eggs add a sd transition. The remaining ingredients sifted together, and it all touched to a uniform mass and place into a greased baking sheet. Bake in

Cakes in form Eggs Baking soda Salt ...

Leaf butter, eggs and milk together. Sieve the flour and baking powder is stirred in. Add salt and sugar. Turn gently into the dough and then raspberries fill 2/3 up in muffinforme. Bake the molds in a preheated oven at 175 degrees 15-20 minutes. Bullet

Cakes in form Cacao Vanilla Boiling water ...

Beat margarine, sugar and egg yolks well. Add the flour, cacao, baking soda and vanilla. Add the boiling water and turn the stiff whites gently in. Place in a greased and raspet springform and bake 40-45 minutes at 150 degrees (try with a stick) Cool cake

Mains Fresh or dried Basil Wheat flour Pepper ...

stir the meat with Basil salt and pepper to taste and portion it into four portions form them to very flat patties and put them together two and two with a slice of ham and a slice of cheese collect the meat around the stuffing for two steaks and turn them in

Sides Salt Milk Wheat flour ...

milk lunes. The yeast and break into pieces in a bowl and stir together with the milk. Magarinen crushing it into the flour. Salten is mixed into the flour and the margarine. The ham chopped into small cubes and place in Yeast and milk comes also in.. dough

Mains Wheat flour Margarine Lettuce leaves ...

Boil the rice crop. Remove core from apples arrow the onions and cut them into both Bananas peeled sliced and halved turned into flour and place on a hot skillet m. margarine and Curry rose to they take color take them of. Came the onion and apples rose them

Appetizers Pepper Salt Vegetable oil for deep frying ...

Boil the asparagus in 7 minutes in salted water. Crumble while the bread in a bowl and pour the milk on. Drain the asparagus, cut the heads off and style them to the page. Run the stems to pure in a food processor and scrape it down in a bowl. Clamping v