Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Water

Sides Garlic Rosemary Salt ...

1 kg large, peeled potatoes cut into slices at ½-3/4 cm, blanceres in boiling water with salt, rinse, wipe lightly and placed in greased pie dish layered with cream-egg mass of 2 ½ dl whipping cream whipped together with 2 eggs and flavored with finely chopped

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Sugar Oil ...

Crumble the yeast in dejfadet. Hot water/milk, for it is hand warm and stir the yeast into a little of the salt and flour and add the rest;. Knead the dough thoroughly and then let it rest in dejfadet in 10 minutes. Pour it out on the bagebordet and knead i

Mains Pepper Pepper. White Salt ...

Turn on the oven at 250 degrees c. alm. oven. Prepare the roast. Put the roast on the grate over a small baking pan and Brown it in about 10 minutes. or to the fat is golden. Clean the vegetables and cut them into small pieces. Take the roast out of t

Sides Caraway seeds Sea salt Water ...

Take a mortar and shock caraway seeds therein until they are powdered. Add hvidløgsfedene and havsaltet and shock it well until everything is powdered. Mix crushed red pepper and add the vinegar and oil. Mix it well and add to the last water.

Cakes in form Eggs Cardamom, ground Salt ...

The dough is kneaded and set to withdraw about 30 minutes. Cream: Egg, sugar and flour, beat well together. Milk and vanillemarv/-sugar brought to the boil. Milk, beat in egg mixture. The cream is given a rehash under still whipping. Fill cold water in the

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Pearl sugar/tesukker Water ...

Dissolve the yeast in the lukewarm water, the rest of the ingredients added and everything is mixed well together. Raises the bar for 30 minutes. Knead, deploy in the same length as bageformen as well as 4 x width. Stir in butter with sugar and cinnamon and

Sides Salt Butter Water ...

The maize provisioned: Everything the Green be removed so you only see all the grains. To get the corn in boiling water, you can either servers them Crisp: you have to cook them 7-8 minutes. Tender: then you should cook them 12-15 minutes. Both met

Mains Freshly ground pepper Coarse salt Water ...

Saute the mushrooms in Golden butter in a frying pan and chilled them. Tubes give and flour together. Add the onion, cottage cheese, salt and pepper. Stir the mushrooms in pork forcemeat. Rinse okraerne and remove stem ends. Got them in boiling water with s