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Recipes with Water

Mains Sugar Thyme Peppercorn ...

Bring water, salt, sugar, thyme, Bay leaves and peppercorns to a boil. Refrigerate the brine, pour the brine over the breasts. Covered with foil and put in the fridge for about 6 hours. The breasts should be turned a couple of times, if they are not complet

Mains Pepper Salt Potato flour ...

Cut the meat into thin strips lengthwise of the chest. Heat the oil. Add the curry powder and soya oil and let the shower it through. Add the onion and sauté them clear. Meat and syrup is added as well, after which the heat is lowered and Brown the meat FRY ah

Mains Saltpeter Water Salt ...

The brine is boiled for 5 minutes and made for cooling. Bird be able, washed thoroughly and place the whole in the completely cold pickle. The birds must be completely covered by the brine used possibly pressure on. After 2-3 days salting flushed birds and coo

Mains Fresh basil Fresh raspberries Oil for frying ...

Sauce: Breast and thighs from the Gulls are cut from the hull. Breast and thighs are saved for later. Hull Brown well in the preheated oil, add the white wine and boil it down by half. Then add the water, finely chopped shallots, thyme and basil and reduce aga

Mains Pepper Salt Cream 9% ...

Fry the bacon in a pan without fat and pour the rendered fat from. Add the pork and let it sear with in 3-4 my. Then came the onion into cubes and mushrooms into slices and let them sear with also in ca. 4 min. Now add the paprika and bouillon and let th

Pickling Liquid atamon Paradise apples Water ...

They washed the crabapples are shared and boil with water over a low heat until the apples have submitted their juice. The bog be hung to the draining of the juice bag. The juice is measured, brought to the boil and add the sugar. Geleen boil for 5-10., lig

Pickling Preservative Carrots Water ...

The carrots scraped and torn just fine. Boil until tender with water under layers. Lemons are pressed. Sugar, lemon juice, horseradish, and finally, the jam boils 15-20 my.

Mains Garlic Pepper Chives ...

Bressekyllingen be cleaned thoroughly. Here-after filling it with butter, thyme, garlic and a little salt and pepper. Opbin-des so that it keeps shape during frying. There is no possibility of spidste-ge, it can easily ovnsteges. Over-poured regularly with jui