Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Water

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

Sauté the meat in oil, chop the onions and slice the bacon finely and fry it with at the end. Cut the white cabbage and dried tomatoes into fine cubes and add them to the meat and onions at the same time that lulled the heat. Add the garlic, salt, pepper and a

Breakfast & brunch Poppy seeds Eggs Salt ...

Stir in yeast and salt together in a bowl (so the yeast will be dissolved). Add the oil and cold water and finally the flour. Knead it all together (the dough should rid your fingers but would like to be damp). Form dough into 12 muffins and style them on a

Mains Beer Oil Egg yolk ...

Octopi knock, and cut into rings. Wipe in a tea towel. Beer, egg yolk, water and oil mixed together and whipped with the flour to form a smooth dough. Style dough in the refrigerator, and let it rest for about 1 hour. Then invert the stiftpiskede egg whites in

Base recipes Rice wine (or white port wine) Rice flour Egg whites ...

Egg white, water and wine whipped together. Rice flour and wheat flour mix and whipped into the egg mixture. This dough should be used immediately after it has touched together. A topic be dipped in batter. Onto the. Be complied with accordingly in hot deep fa

Mains Lemon juice Oil Curry ...

Remove skin and bones from the meat and cut it into pieces, about 3 x 4 cm. Findel the garlic in a mortar with coarsely chopped onions and mix with cumin, curry powder, ginger and salt. The mixture is kicked to a paste and stir in oil, little by little. The me

Mains Cayenne pepper Frying oil Wheat flour ...

Pour the olive oil into a saucepan and warm it up slowly. Came the egg yolks in a bowl and add lemon juice and water and whisk it well. Set the bowl with the egg mixture in a pot of boiling water and whisk to it becomes creamy. It takes a few minutes. Ta

Mains Salt Egg yolk Egg white ...

First mix flour and baking powder and stir it so for a jævning with egg yolk, salt, oil, lemon juice and water. Beat the egg white stiff and turn it gently in Oil heated to 180. C. Wipe while cod strips and cut them into strmler on along-såbrede as a thumb. St

Desserts (cold) Possibly ground cinnamon powdered sugar and syrup for serving Oil for deep frying Salt ...

In Bowl sifted cornmeal, wheat flour, salt, and Pearl sugar. If Pearl sugar is not seeping through, pour it in. at constant stirring, add water until dough consistency is thick pandekagedej. The strips are cut in half without Peel. In a small saucepan or