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Recipes with Spicy curry

Salads Spicy curry Herbal salt Water for steaming ...

Slightly salted water boils and the haricot's host is put in and steamed (ie = low on) for 5-10 minutes. While mixing cottage cheese and curry and herb salt. Beans are drained and cooled. Finally, the beans are arranged at the bottom of a dish and the cottag

Soups Chinese cabbage Oil Pepper ...

Saute the onion, garlic, Turkey meat and Curry in oil in a pan. Add tomatoes, water, broth and væden from the peaches. Let it boil for 10 minutes then add the cream and let simmer for 5 min. the peaches cut into cubes and place in conjunction with bamboo shoot

Soups Lemon or lime juice Pepper Warm baguettes ...

The onions chopped coarsely. Sauté onion and garlic in oil with curry in 1-2 my stirring. Carrot peeled and chopped. Bladsellerien are washed and cut into slices. Tilsætes and sauté with in 1-2 min. lentils, broth, ginger, and bay leaf are added. The soup, cov

Mains Pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

Chicken sprinkled with salt and pepper. Brown on both sides in oil in a sauté pan with lid. The chicken and the onion, garlic and Curry Sauté in the pan. Tomatoes chopped coarsely and place in the pan. Yoghurt, water and flour is stirred together for a with

Mains Pepper Salt Oil ...

The salmon out in a greased form. Oil, lemon peel and salt stirred together and brush on the fish. Kokossen sprinkled over. Made in a 225 degree C. alm. oven for about 15-20 minutes. Corn flasks halved, and brushed with oil and place in a small greased dish

Mains Rice Pepper fruit Salt ...

Potatoes cooked with Peel, peeled and cut into large cubes. The other vegetables are cleaned and cut into small cubes and FRY in oil/Curry. Broth, soy sauce and salt added and the right cooker 10 minutes at low heat. Bean sprouts add the last min. and the righ

Mains EVS. 2 cloves of minced garlic Juice of ½ lemon Honey ...

Sauté the meat in a large frying pan in 1 tbsp. of oil, for it has taken color approximately 4-5 minutes. Dry the Pan and warm yet 1 tbsp. oil up and burn the spices for 1 minute, until onions and garlic are added. Saute a few minutes before the meat is add