Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Shallots

Mains Pepper Salt Butter for frying ...

Brown beef shoulder in a thick-bottomed pan, season with salt and pepper and came the roast in a roasting pan. Put the cleaned, washed vegetables around roast and set it in a preheated oven at 180 degrees c. alm. oven for 10 minutes. Pour the red wine on

Mains Wheat flour to jævning Oil for frying Pepper ...

The meat is cut into slices or strips. Seasoned with salt and pepper and Brown in the FAT to the meat is well browned. The vegetables are cleaned and cut into uniform, not for large pieces. Skalotte onions peeled. Vegetables, mushrooms and tomato paste f

Mains Herb bouquet 1 bunch parsley a few branches thyme and 1 bay leaf Pepper Salt ...

Cut the meat into 3 cm cubes and cut the bacon or pork into small pieces. Turn the kødterningerne in the flour. Brown first roast the dice in a thick-bottomed saucepan. Add the butter and oil and Brown meat then. Add the vegetables and let them simmer with

Mains Coleslaw Salt Sour cream ...

Boil first cross-rope shared by the legs in salted water in a large pot to put Bay leaves in about 2 hours for the meat is tender but do not go from one another. Boil brine can subsequently frozen and stored to the Fund or soup for another day. Arrow oni

Mains White pepper Salt Chicken broth (bouillon cube + water) ...

Poul standards cleaned well. Freed from the skin. The 4 poulard breasts and a bit of lårkødet is cut of, plumped out, placed on a buttered piece of parchment paper. Mushrooms, dill and onion chopped fine, sauté in butter tilsmages with salt and pepper, cool

Mains Feld, salad or other Nutmeg Pepper ...

Udben poularden by cutting it up along the back and work along the legs all the way around, the remote also lårbenene. Drag the femur into the body. Chop laksekød with shallots and salt on food processor and add cream and eggs. Season with pepper and nutmeg an

Mains Miscellaneous herbs: tarragon, chervil, lovage, parsley White wine Good chicken stock ...

Poussin: Poussinen shared in the thigh and chest piece, backbones of Brown and are saved to the sauce. Thighs cured for two hours and bake in the oven for two hours with duck fat Potato fondant: baking potatoes peeled and blended into the desired shape and

Mains Corn flour Nutmeg Pepper ...

Lamb shoulder boned, bone end saves of shaft and polished. The bow is filled with citronfiletter, dill and a little Rosemary, seasoned with salt and pepper and laced. The herbs are cleaned and cut into appropriate pieces to braiserunderlag. Bow Brown of in bra