Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Mains Pepper Parsley Chives ...

Boil the potatoes and pil them. Cut them in the appropriate size. Arrow slipped and chopped it into small terns. Heat a large frying pan and rise without color. Bring sugar, vinegar, water and mustard on the forehead and let it boil for a moment. Turn t

Mains Suit Milk Flour ...

Eat the meat well with the other ingredients. Grease a small pan and form the dad as an elongated bread. Put bacon over so it covers the meat. Put the "hair" in the oven at 210 degrees and leave it brown for 12-15 minutes. Pour the water on. Turn to 170 de

Mains Spices to taste, URf.eks. Chili, garlic, paprika, oregano, thyme, Rosemary, or whatever you like Red or yellow pepper Eggs ...

Sprinkle small cabbage heads together. Take a sharp knife and cut through the stem and flip the bowl out of the cabbage head with a spoon, leaving about 3 leaves left in a shell of each half-cabbage head. Cut one half of the pickled cabbage into fine piece

Mains Pepper Salt Whipped cream ...

First, coarse in the vegetables, to be fry in a little oil, enough to not dry. When the onions are shiny, add the liver which is roasted with vegetables for approx. 15 min. When the liver is well browned (grilled :-) adds to the red wine. Let the dish simme

Lunch (to go) EVS. ketchup Water or eggs Salt ...

Water and yeast are stirred together The Margarine crumbled in the flour Water, ymer, egg and salt are added and the dough is kneaded well throughout Set for raising a tight spot for 30 minutes The dough is cut down and divided into 2, and rolled out int

Salads EVS. 1 tablespoon cream fraice EVS. a handful of peas Pepper ...

Cut the potatoes into suitable pieces and boil them with salt. When they are cold they are mixed with cottage cheese and mustard. The spring bulbs are cut well and mixed in (save a bit of the finely cut top to decorate). If you think it's too dry, you can ge

Mains Nutmeg, freshly grated Pepper Garlic ...

Sauter onion onions, chopped garlic and pumpkin in the tern in the butter in a saucepan. Add broth, salt, pepper and nutmeg. Let it simmer under cover for 20-30 minutes. Bring the milk in and blend it. Bring it back to the pan and warm the soup through.

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

Peel all the root vegetables, cut them into smaller pieces and put them in a saucepan. Pour water into the pan so it just covers. Lay the lid on the pan and cook the root vegetables for 20 minutes. Pour the water off. Mash the root crops with a hand mixer