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Recipes with Salt

Mains Pepper Salt Chicken broth ...

Preheat the oven to 175 degrees. Put the quails in a flame dish. Mix rum, honey and chilisovs in a bowl. Season with salt and pepper. Brush the guardrails. Pour them in the oven for 30 minutes. Remove the quails and cook the dish with broth. Put the quails on

Mains A little parsley Pepper Salt ...

The hair is divided into smaller pieces, part the thighs in the joint between the thighs and legs and divide the back in 3-4 pieces across. The batter is cut into small cubes and browned with the harness pieces for approx. 75 g of butter - this is best done i

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Herbal parties mentioned in the previous recipe, and the pieces are baked in butter on a pan or in a saucepan, seasoned with salt and pepper and small stews with a little of the broth under the hood for 1-1½ hours. During the frying, add a little more broth an

Mains EVS. a little saffron A little soya Meljævning ...

The chicken is rubbed with salt, ginger and peppers. Then fill with pieces of apples, pear and banana - peeled. Tie together and put the chicken with your chest up in a refractory dish. Brush with oil and soy. Stir without lid in the oven on a shelf at the bot

Mains Meljævning Pepper Salt ...

The phasan is cut into 4-8 pieces and browned in a pan and gradually put into a frying pan, preferably with the heart. Salt and a little pepper sprinkle on. The frying pan is boiled with broth poured over the pheasant together with Madeira. Underneath the smal

Mains EVS. a little cornstarch A little game bouillon or chicken stock Pepper ...

Fingers are chopped with chopped veal and pork, eggs, grated apple, chopped parsley, salt and pepper. The fathers are distributed on the 4 breast pieces, which are tightened by wrapping with bacon, bacon or better yet with the fat net, if available. The bri

Mains Ben and hull from pheasants Freshly ground pepper Salt ...

Marinade: Chop the mustots and mix with olive oil, white wine, wine grains and freshly ground peppers in a small dish that can even hold the pineapples. Turn the pineapples into marinade and spread them in the dish so they are covered with marinade, cool fo

Mains Groftmalet pepper A little dried thyme Leek cut into fine strips ...

The chicken is divided into 4 parts and draws in a cold place with the battered marinade for several hours. Then brown in butter and fry with some of the marinade plus a little chicken broth and slices under low approx. 30 min. Serve with ice-cream, boil