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Recipes with Salt

Salads Pepper Salt Cauliflower ...

's blomkålet and chop or grate the rough. Wash the Apple and cut it into small cubes. Stir the sugar into the boiling water and add lemon juice, salt and pepper, turn the cabbage and apples in the dressing sprinkle with chopped parsley.

Mains White pepper Margarine Breadcrumbs ...

Com breadcrumbs in a plate with a little salt, whisk the egg together then reversed koteletterne in egg and breadcrumbs, melt margarine on forehead Brown koteletterne and then place them in a heat-proof platter. Parsley root and parsnips, cut into cubes, po

Sides Salt Sugar Water ...

Cut the cabbage finely, cut apples in small boats and boil it about 1 ½ hour under the lid. Then, the small simmer about 1 hour without lid and is ready for serving. PS. it must not boil too long there should be "bite" in the cabbage so not flabby and gooey

Mains A small bag of frozen parsley Pepper Salt ...

Turn the oven on 180 degrees and turn the potatoes. Inserts/slis tenderloin up and got the stuffing in (Parsley, cheese and ham) shut down the loin with a leash or else. Pork Tenderloin in the Pan so that it will be well browned. Serve while the sauce

Desserts (warm) Lard Lunet milk Salt ...

Wheat flour is stirred together with 3 egg yolks and 1 1/2 dl. lunet milk. In 1/2 dl. dissolve the yeast milk tempered, sugar, salt and cardamom. This is stirred into the dough, made to uplift 1 hour (make sure a good big bowl to salvage). The 3 egg whit

Bread, buns & biscuits 1-2 tsp. cardamom Salt Sunflower seeds ...

Crumble the yeast in a dejfad. Pour the water over and stir until the yeast is dissolved. Add salt, sugar cane, apples, sunflower seeds, Fibrex and possibly. cardamom. Knead the flour in a little at a time until the dough gets rid of shield edges. Let raise

Mains Water Apple Prunes ...

Prepare the second part it into 2 halves, cut if necessary. the anchovies, but put all the trimmings into the dish. Put the second into a saucepan and pour as much water in that it covers. Put Apple boats and prunes to the pan. This should cook about 1 1/2

Bread, buns & biscuits Oil Wheat flour Salt ...

The yeast stirred into the lukewarm water. The other ingridienser are added and the dough is kneaded until it is ensartig and supple. Highlights covered in a warm place for about 30 mins. Portion dough into 2 pieces that are shaped to French bread and after dr