Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pepper

Mains Pepper Salt Turkey Club ...

Cut the anchovy fillets into smaller pieces and benefit them in a club, where the femur has sided. Lace the mallet with cotton cord, rub it with salt and pepper and place it in a small baking pan. Pour white wine and put aluminum foil over. Set the mallet in t

Mains Cream Wheat flour Suit ...

Femur boning of the Turkey Club. Fill: Grate bacon light brown in a pan Add all the vegetables and let it småstege approx. 2 min. Mix cream fraichen in vegetables and take the Pan from the heat. Season Turkey with salt and pepper to taste into a Club-and

Sides Pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

Makaronierne cooked tender. The butter is melted, stir in the flour and the milk is stirred in gradually., and the sauce is cooked through, while stirring vigorously. The eggs are whisked together and stir into the sauce, along with half of the cheese. Season

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon shell thereof ...

Butter, garlic and lemon blended together with lemon-garlic butter. Let it possibly. stand an hour or so, so the flavor from lemon and garlic pieces pulls out in the butter. Low two pockets between the skin and the flesh on each Turkey leg. Put lemon-hvidløs b

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

The minced meat mixed with eggs, milk, garlic and spices, diced feta is expected eventually in. Then down in a heat-proof platter and formed into a loaf of bread and cover with bacon writes. 1 hour in the oven at 200 degrees c. alm. oven. Sauce: Tomat

Mains Coarse salt Garlic to taste Olive oil for frying (optional) ...

Fry the bacon in a pan, if desired. with a little olive oil until lightly browned. Add the onions and let them Roast with stirring for about 2 min. Add tomatoes and give it all a rehashing in the skiveskårnesvampe cream and spices added. The Court let simmer f

Soups Pepper Salt Lemon juice thereof ...

Sauté the vegetables in oil for a few minutes, after which the paprika sprinkled over. Mix it well and pour the lentils and broth in. Add the bay leaf, salt and pepper, and cook until everything is tender, approximately ½ hour. Purer soup and warm it up. Lemon

Mains Pepper Salt Bay leaf ...

The meat is mixed with spices and formed into 4 rolls. Twist the bacon on. Brown rollers in the oil and fry them for about 20 min. Cook the pan of broth, add the bay leaf and tumatpure and smooth with maizenamel there is udrørt in a little cold water. Season w