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Recipes with Lemon

Appetizers Pepper Salt Lemon ...

Boil the chicken and cut into the tern. Put all the ingredients in a bowl and stir well, taste with salt and pepper. Put the chicken pieces in. Put in the fridge (take a stand and pull, the longer the better). Served with flutes to.

Dressing 1/4 fresh chili (finsnittet) or sweet chili sauce All around spice Pepper ...

Crunch garlic in garlic presses, mix with all the ingredients. Taste one of the ingredients according to the most.

Cake add-ons Lemon Liqueur Sugar ...

Bring the water and sugar to a boil so that you get a sugar batter. Add the liqueur and allow the flask to cool. Raspberries and lemons must be blended into puree. It should be noted that frozen raspberries must be boiled before use. Then mix the sugar layer a

Sides Salt Lemon Mushrooms ...

The red onions are halved and cut into slices. They are heated on the forehead by medium heat. The lemon rip and the juice is poured over the bulbs. You may sprinkle with some salt. Mushrooms are cut into quarters and added. Spinach leaves rinse, drip well and

Desserts (cold) Lemon Whipped cream Chocolate ...

Arrow the bananas and cut them into large pieces, drive the gem a blender or mashed with a fork. Pour the juice of a lemon over the banana moss. Chop the walnut and chocolate roughly (like together) Whip the cream stiff. Turn walnuts, chocolate and the w

Desserts (cold) Lemon Lemon balm, fresh Whipped cream ...

Eggs and sugar are whipped white. The husblase is soaked in cold water, twisted and melted in lemon juice over water bath. The cream is whipped lightly and turned into the oyster. In this case the house blossom is turned into and eventually poisoned egg

Mains Pepper, freshly ground Salt Sour cream ...

Melt the butter in a thickened pot, add the carrots together with a little water, lemon slices and salt, steam them for 2 - 3 minutes. Whip the cream fry stiff and taste with salt, pepper and capers. Recipe 4 dishes of the smoked tuna, along with the hot

Mains Dijon mustard Basil Lemon ...

Put the salmon on a serving dish and pull off the skin. The asparagus is peeled and the stabbing end is broken. Boil in salted water for 6-7 minutes. Boil peas briefly in salted water. Arrange the light-boiled peas and asparagus around the salmon. Dec