Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with H space

Drinks (cold) Schweppes soda Pineapple Icing sugar ...

Shake vigorously with ice. Served in medium-sized glass with a little soda and pineapple disc

Drinks (cold) Schweppes soda Lemon juice thereof Icing sugar ...

Shake vigorously pour into tall glass with ice cubes Fill the glass up with soda

Drinks (cold) Grated nutmeg Egg yolk Icing sugar ...

Shake very vigorously with crushed ice and strain into medium-sized glass of Grated nutmeg on top.

Drinks (cold) Egg white White heering Pineapple juice ...

Shake vigorously with ice and serve in medium glass

Drinks (cold) Orange peel Calvados H space ...

Shake with ice and serve in a cocktail glass orange peel squeezed over drink.

Drinks (cold) Drambuie Roses lime juice H space ...

Shake with ice and serve in a cocktail glass. Orange peel squeezed over the glass.

Drinks (cold) Apry Lemon juice H space ...

Shake with ice and serve in a cocktail glass

Drinks (cold) Orange juice H space Peter heering ...

Shake and serve in a cocktail glass