Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Good chocolate

Cakes in form Little planed almonds Baking soda Wheat flour ...

Stir in butter and sugar white. Beat the egg whites until stiff and fold them into half the dough. Mix cocoa, flour, and baking soda and stir the whole coconut flakes gently into the dough. It came in a small baking pan and bake it by 180 degrees 15x30cm for 1

Desserts (cold) Fresh fruit or berries Plastic mugs and cellophane paper Whipped cream ...

Chocolate basket: Chocolate is melted. On a disposable cups (plastic mugs or the like) that is turned on its head, a piece of square cellophane-paper over the bottom of the mug, which printed a little fast. The chocolate is poured over the paper so that the sl