Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Mains recipes

Mains Bouillon Pepper Salt ...

Cook the noodles shortly after receiving instructions on the package. Saute the vegetables, garlic, chilli and ginger in the oil in a deep frying pan or wok. The prawns came at 1 minute and then pour a little bouillon and season with salt and pepper to taste-r

Mains From 1 kg to 6 kg of meat wild boar ...

You take the meat and has fallen from it in a saucepan with the garlic-Juniper-presille rn midelmådig red wine. simmer for about 3 hours then it is guaranteed still tender. pour the cloud from low so a opbagt sauce to taste with red wine and led cloud. I use h

Mains Chili Garlic Pepper ...

Saute Turkey and onions together in oil, add the beans, cherry tomatoes (cut in half), slice the potatoes, bell pepper into cubes, add together with salt and pepper and, if desired. spices and simmer. Tips: Other meat can also be used and it is only your i

Mains Mornay sauce Pepper Salt ...

First chop the onion into very fine cubes, Turkey/chicken cut into small cubes and added lemon juice squeezed in addition to chicken and onion, salt and pepper are added. Simmer for 5 minutes, then add the mornay and cream fine boil up, and simmer for 10 minut

Mains Pepper Salt Soy sauce ...

Mix the salt, pepper and a grated potato with forcemeat and form 4 patties. Wrap two pieces of bacon on each steak. Got a slice of cheese on top and finally a slice of tomato. Came the steaks into a baking dish. Mix cream, soy sauce and tomato paste togethe

Mains Fresh basil or oregano Parmesan Pepper ...

The chopped onion + garlic simmer on a low heat for approx. 5 min. The pureed tomatoes, Sun-dried tomatoes + spices and white wine added. The sauce simmer at low heat for 30-45 min. If the sauce gets too dry (thick), you can add a little more white wine or a l

Mains Fedststof Corn flour to jævning Pepper ...

Cut the fillets and peberen into smaller strips/cubes. Brown both in the fat. Then add water so that the meat is covered. Let simmer for about 15 minutes, Add the desired amount of pikantost and stir well. Add if necessary. Corn flour if you want a thicker con

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Cut all the meat into large cubes and Brown in a pan. Season with salt, pepper and ginger. Steam leeks, carrots and onion in a little butter. Take a Baekenofe-form or a pot with a lid and put ingredien provisions of layered. Potatoes on the bottom, then car