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Mains recipes

Mains Salt Bouillon cube Water ...

Boil the water for rice up and add the rice * Boil water and add the bouillon cube. * Press the flesh out of medisteren and form to the buns. * Cook the dough balls about 30-60 seconds in the water. * Melt the margerinen and add karryen, let it "cook up"

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Blanch green cabbage minutes and chop it finely. Stir it together with flour, eggs, finely chopped onion and cottage cheese. Season with salt and pepper. Form for rissoles, as FRY in fat in the Pan, 5 minutes on each side. Serve with boiled potatoes or m

Mains Champingon on demand Curry Pepper ...

Brown chicken pieces along with curry in a pot for they have become golden brown. It is a matter of taste, how strong you like curry dishes, but you can always add extra Curry finally when one tastes. Add the pineapple and juice away. Add the coconut milk,

Mains Fresh chili Fresh ginger Garlic ...

Chop the chilli, garlic and ingefør finely and mix it with the other engredienser. Put meat and marinade in a freezer bag, squeeze the air out and close to. Let it soak at least one hour. Pour boiling water over the noodles and let them soak until tender. Cut

Mains Pepper Salt Dijon mustard ...

The rice is cooked tender and sieved. The dressing is mixed and poured over the risende. Onion and pepper chopped fine along with the celery leaves. It is mixed in the rice and the entire pour into a greased rim. At the bottom are satisfied that pickled pepper

Mains Parsley White wine Onions in small cubes ...

Put the cod pieces on a rack over a pan with water barely boils. The fish must not touch the water. Put a lid on. The fish is ready when a kødnål feels warm after it has been shoved into the middle of the fish. Saute all the vegetables in oil, the onions are c

Mains Pepper Salt Bouillon ...

The steaks are seasoned with salt and pepper. Madagaska pepper is crushed and sauté in a pan with finely chopped chili. The steaks FRY 2-3 min. on each side. The Pan is removed from the stove and 1/4 dl cognakhældes over steaks and catch fire. The steaks bein

Mains Corn flour Pepper Salt ...

The flesh is tamped and halved. The peppers and capers are distributed on the flesh. The meat is rolled and snørres with a cotton cord. The Brown and sprinkled with salt and pepper. Bouillon is poured in. They simmer the meat is tender. Then take the rollers u