Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Mains recipes

Mains A little oil for frying Pepper Rice and naanbrød ...

Cut the inner fillets into smaller pieces and brown them in a little oil together with curry. Half length squash and cut into thin slices. Shake the squash slices for a short while and coconut milk. Season with ginger and let the dish boil for approx. 5 min

Mains Oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

Season the meat with chilli and cocoa chili and light it on the forehead in a little oil for 2-3 minutes. Grease 3 tortillas with tomato sauce, spread the meat on top and sprinkle with cheddar and red onions in thin slices. Place the last 3 tortillas on top

Mains EVS. 2 tsp. Dijon mustard Wholemeal bread or bulgur Pepper ...

Whip a dressing together with lemon juice, lemon peel, olive oil, dijon pepper, honey, salt and pepper. Cut red onions in very thin slices, grate carrots roughly or in strips, cut the apples into narrow boats and halve them lengthwise. Turn the vegetables into

Mains Fresh Chervil Acacia honey Dijon mustard ...

Cut the potatoes into a little smaller pieces. Cut the spring onion well and cut the shallots in thin slices. Stir a dressing together of yum, mustard, honey and lemon juice. Season with horseradish, salt and pepper. The amount of horseradish is a temperame

Mains Chili powder Garlic powder Pepper ...

Lay the fish in a barbecue tray that is brushed with oil, and then peel the carrot, spelled in spelled and squeeze lemon juice over the fish. Lightly chopped at the slope in small pieces. Then bring salty pepper chilli powder and garlic powder upstairs and the

Mains Broth The grove from the dill, the tuft conceals Pepper ...

The veal cooks well with the vegetables and the leg - it may take a two to three hours. In my opinion, it must be buttered. And it must be cooked the day before. Throw away the vegetables. Take the meat up. Point the soup. Pour it over the meat and leave it

Mains Good olive oil Bacon cubes Chopped tomato ...

Cut the golden roots, celery and onions fine and set aside. Heat a thickened pot and add 1 tablespoon of good olive oil. Add the bacon and let the water in the bacon evaporate. (The bacoen turns white) Add the chopped vegetables to the water evaporates.

Mains Pack sausages Pepper Salt ...

1 hp. The sausage is cut into small slices 5 - 6 onions cut into the tern Both pieces are cooked until brown and poured into a saucepan. ca. 8 dl. Milk is added together ca. 1½ large canned tomato sauce Taste with ca. 1½ teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon peppe