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Mains recipes

Mains Pepper Salt Finely chopped parsley ...

The potatoes are peeled and cut into smaller pieces. Boil tenderly. Sieved and mashed to fine texture. When cooled, stir it up with chopped parsley and egg. Season with salt and pepper. Fill 2 greased souffléforms. Bake in oven at 200 for 10 min.

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Pour the chops lightly with flat hand. Then wrap them in the eggshell and finally into the raspberries. Season with salt and pepper and let them rest for 5 minutes. Heat the butter golden on the forehead and peel the chops a couple of minutes on each side. Put

Mains Oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

Potatoes are boiled in salted water with a little oil. The chops are spiced and cooked on both sides for approx. 3-4 min. Keep warm. Broth the roast chicken from the chops and boil it together with chopped coriander. The carrots are cut into thin elongated str

Mains Powerful herbs; thyme, bay leaf, garlic, shallots Pepper Salt ...

Came the powerful herbs and like a few peppercorns, in a saucepan or sautépande with white wine and olive oil. Boil. Poke the meat approx. 15 minutes. Take it up and let it pull. Cut the mixed summer herbs into smaller pieces. Stir the meat on a very hot gr

Mains Marsala sauce Pepper Salt ...

The veal chops are seasoned with salt and pepper. Brunes in butter on both sides for approx. 6-8 minutes. Take off and put on a small grate and keep warm. The finely chopped shallots and the sage leaves are added to the steakhouse. 2/3 of marsala is added and

Mains Pepper Salt Beef broth ...

Heat oil and butter in a pan. Step tournedos 5 minutes on each side. Take them off and keep them warm. Sprinkle flour on the pandasaft. Turn broth, cream and sherry in. Stir thoroughly. Season with salt and pepper. Cook for 4 minutes over low heat. Add shrimps

Mains Balsamic vinegar Wheat flour A little olive oil ...

Turn the calf medallions into flour and brush them in a little oil approx. 3 minutes on each side. Bring the fresh berries into a pan together with 4 cl. Aceto balsamic and 2 cl. Marsala wine. Let the sauce boil for low heat about 5 minutes. Season with salt a

Mains Baking paper A little oil Pepper ...

Tournedos: Kalvemørbraden is cut to 4 tournedos. Brush well on the forehead in a little oil. Continue on with moderate heat. About 4 minutes on each side. Pulling an additional 4-5 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. The bread is stretched to fit the size