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Recipes with Sunflower kernels

Cakes in form Salt Bicarbonate of soda Raisins ...

Squashen rives. Beat eggs and oil together. Add the rest of the ingredients. Stir well and place it in the springform ca. 25 cm. in diameter. Bake approx. 65 minutes at 175 degrees c. alm. oven.

Bread, buns & biscuits Pumpkin seeds Sunflower kernels Walnuts ...

Blend all the nuts and kernels half fin. tag if necessary some of the three walnuts from and chop them roughly. The dough should be fairly firm and easy to work with. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl, and then the mass to form a square bread on a baking sh

Bread, buns & biscuits Sunflower kernels Eggs Liquid honey ...

Dissolve the yeast in lukewarm water, not exceeding 36-37gr. Add salt, honey, 1 egg, 1 – 1 ½ dl sunflower seeds and sifting. Knead the dough thoroughly. Add the wheat flour a little at a time and knead the dough smooth and style the lunt and opvreden covered w

Sides White wine vinegar or olive oil Butter Sunflower kernels ...

Cut the potatoes into the appropriate cubes and boil them. Except for they are never boil them to death! Cut the bell peppers, cucumber and tomato out of restrooms. Grønsagene mix with the potatoes in a bowl and came white wine vinegar ell. olive oil in as yo

Sides 1 grated carrot Apple like a little sour Lemon juice ...

Use gummihansker when the raw beetroot is handled. Peel them and grate them on the coarse side of a grater. Peel the Apple and cut it into small cubes. Mix together the oil and lemon juice and mix the rest well in. Tips: Serves to, among other things, for

Various Eggs Oil (like olive oil) Salt ...

Start by mixing linseed, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds in a bowl. Pour the water over to cover kogene. Let stand for it almost is cold (about 3 hours). The milk is warmed in a pan. Water mixed in. mix yeast, salt and sugar together. When the yeast is melted

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Salt Wholemeal flour ...

Dissolve the yeast in the lukewarm water. Add the rest of the ingredients, but the team again with wheat flour. The dough should be smooth and supple and, finally, not too dry. Let dough raise in 30 min. and then to form the buns. Brush with egg and let them

Bread, buns & biscuits A dusting of sesame seeds flax seeds or poppy seeds to last Eggs Green pumpkin seeds ...

sunflower seeds and pumpkin core roasted Golden on a dry pan, and all the ingredients are mixed. the dough is divided into 2 equal pieces, and the rolled thin out. This is done most easily by rolling the dough out between two pieces of wax paper directly on t