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Recipes with Sugar

Cakes in form Sour cream Cocoa Cook chocolate grovhakket ...

Mix butter and sugar and stir it into the butter cream. Add the rest of the little dishes slightly for it will be a smooth dough. Divide the batter in large muffinsformer. Bake in the middle of oven at 180 degrees C for 15 minutes, they get a little raw in the

Appetizers White pepper Lemon juice Salt ...

Put husblasen to soak in cold water for 10 minutes. Twisting husblasen up and melt it together with 1 dl tomato juice. Mix the rest of the tomato juice in combination with lemon juice and spices. Season to taste and pour the juice in small molds, which are was

Pickling Sugar Sommerbær fx Strawberry Raspberry red currants blackberries blackcurrants and pears Rome ...

Start romtopfen with the summer's first strawberries. Clean and rinse the strawberries. Road them and came in a large jar or a large glass. Got the same amount of sugar in Rome at so the berries are covered. pour. Fill more fruit on gradually. Larger fruit

Desserts (cold) Sugar Water Vaniliestang ...

Grill: about 1 1/2 min. Marinated Strawberries: strawberries Came in a bowl and sprinkle with sugar. Pour liqueur over. Style strawberries covered in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour. Bring water and sugar to a boil in a saucepan. Add the rhubarb and cook

Desserts (cold) Sugar ACETO balsamico Small strongly tasting strawberries (if possible, wild forest strawberry) ...

Always rinse strawberries with stem and quickly. Remove stems and berries added in a bowl. Strawberries sprinkled with sugar and aceto balsamico onto over. The entire mix gently and pulling, covered, for at least one hour at room temperature. If we want to ser

Desserts (cold) Sugar Good balsamic vinegar Strawberry ...

These berries are washed and nippes, after which they will be divided in halves or quarters. Sugar and vinegar whipped together and poured over the berries, which then must be based 30-60 minutes on ice. The berries taste heavenly and can easily be served a

Desserts (cold) Crema bella-vanilla and strawberry Fresh strawberries Sugar ...

Arrow the strawberries and cut them into quarters. Put them in a bowl. Wash the oranges and cut the skin with a sharp knife. Appelsinen cut into fillets, which squeezed over the bowl of strawberries, vodka and sugar. Inserts a bit of Orange Peal in fine strips

Desserts (warm) Icing sugar Butter/margarine for frying Sugar ...

Franskbrøds slices cut into cubes, toasted crisp in butter/margarine in a frying pan. The eggs together whipped with milk, sugar and vanilla sugar and pour over bread dice. Omeletten FRY finished over low heat. Flomelis sifted down over the hot omelet, served