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Recipes with Sugar

Sides Pepper Salt Little fintsnittet red cabbage ...

Rødkålen Sauté well in butter. Honey and sugar are added and the cabbage some gruel is in 10 min. Add the almonds, and the cabbage some gruel is on in 5 min. season with salt and pepper

Cakes in form Cinnamon, ground Icing sugar Coffee ready made ...

Whip eggs and sugar into a frothy white mass, mix vanilla sugar milk oil and chopped daim in. Melt the white chocolate in a Bain Marie or microwave but watch out for in micro oven that it does not fall prey to on. Mix the chocolate and coffee together in

Cakes in form Water if the above is not enough fluid Icing sugar Desiccated coconut ...

Eggs and sugar whipped when it is a white mass, add all the other ingredients, start with only 2 cups of flour. The dough should be soft and not too firm. Cake bake in the oven at 180-200 degrees c. in approximately 30-35 minutes in a baking pan lined with bak

Desserts (cold) Port wine Sugar Water ...

Dissolve the sugar in won over gentle heat. Add the port wine. Put sveskerne to soak in the mixture. Let them stand and pull a 24-hour, turn the sveskerne along the way. Peel appelsinen. Liberate the shell completely for any hint of white membrane. Cut Oran

Desserts (cold) Buttermilk Junket Eggs, pasteurized ...

Eggs, sugar and vanilla, beat well. Then add sour milk and stir gently in the junket. Serve cold with kammerjunkers or rusks

Cookies Yellow food coloring Palmin Water ...

Milk with the butter, stir in yeast lunes. Sugar, cardamom, lemon zest and mix together beaten eggs in the flour in. mix little by little. The dough is raised in ½ hour. Rolled out, cut into squares of 5 x 10 cm which is twisted to the Angel wings. Cooke

Bread, buns & biscuits Sea salt Eggs Sugar ...

Mix all the ingredients for the dough. The dough is kneaded well to a steady and supple dough. It should be moist-even if it sticks a bit. Sprinkle a little flour and let dejkuglen rest about 10 minutes before it is divided into 16 equal-sized BLOBs (8 pers

Pickling Water Sugar Large oranges ...

Put the apricots soaked in ½ litre of water in the recipe. Cut the citrus fruit in both, del further into thin slices. Put them in a steel kasserolle. Pour the rest of the water. Put a lid on and seen the cash role in the fridge for the next day. Mix in apr