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Recipes with Salt

Bread, buns & biscuits Sugar Salt Yeast ...

Stir the yeast into lukewarm water, add salt, sugar, wheat kernels and grahamsmel and let it stand for about 30 minutes. Add sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, cranberries, apricots and wheat flour and knead it into a uniform dough. Let the dough raise warm

Bread, buns & biscuits Honey Oatmeal Ripe bananas ...

Pour the buttermilk into a bowl and dissolve the yeast in it. Add honey and salt. Mash the bananas and stir them together with A38 or Ymer and combine the dough with oatmeal, cornflakes, raisins and coarse walnut kernels. Knead the flour for a little wh

Desserts (cold) Salt Flour Eggs ...

Stir flour and milk for smoothing. Whip egg and salt in. Heat the grease on the forehead and mix it in the dough. Remove the pan from the heat and put on (about 3 ss). Let it run out over the forehead until it is covered. Behind the pancake over even

Cakes Egg yolk Salt Vanilla sugar ...

The milk is poured into hand warm and the yeast dissolves in the milk. Everything except butter and pear sugar is mixed into a dough and rested for 30 minutes. Add butter and finally pearl sugar - A stirrer or electric hook with hot hooks can be highly recom

Sauces White pepper Salt Lemon juice thereof ...

In a pot of round bottom, egg yolks are whipped. Add lemon juice and soup, season with salt and pepper and put in a water bath, whipped until it becomes thick, but do not boil. The sauce is picked up by the water bath and the boiling butter is whipped in. T

Sides EVS. ½ dl. whipping cream or beaten egg white Salt White pepper ...

The egg yolks are whipped with the salt, they have become stiff, then the vinegar is added. Lemon juice, mustard, pepper and possibly. Sugar, the oil is whipped, (it must be dust-dampened), a long thin beam and whipped heavily. Just before serving, whipped

Various Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Heat the baking potatoes in the oven or on the grill. While they are hot you take bacon and leftovers on the forehead and grind onions / lies and cut them into small pieces When the potatoes are finished open them and take the food out so the rind remain

Salads Pepper Salt Onion ...

Oil, balsamic vinegar mixed with salt, pepper, garlic. Carrots, squash, peppers, mushrooms, onion, cauliflower and broccoli cut into suitable pieces and turn into the oil. Must stand overnight. tips: Super with a good steak and a nice way to get some