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Recipes with Salt

Mains Jævning Suit Pepper ...

Begin 2 - 3 days before serving: Peel carrot, celery and onion and cut it all in coarse tern. Stir the terns in butter in a saucepan until they are clear. Add spices, vinegar and water, let it boil softly for 10 minutes and let it cool off. Place the bowl

Mains Quite a bit maizenamel to jævning Cut parsley A little Basil ...

The chicken meat dries up, spices and brines in butter in a pan or pan and leaves under low until it is tender, approx. 20 min. The potatoes are peeled, halved and cut into triangles, boiling half-lent in water for approx. 8 min. Pick up, drip into a sieve

Sides Breadcrumbs Salt Not too big, slightly oval-shaped potatoes ...

The potatoes are peeled, cut into thin slices, but hanging together at the bottom. Place in a greased refractory dish sprinkle with salt, brush with butter and sprinkle with rasp. Steps for 40 min. At 225 degrees C. alm. The oven until they are crispy golden a

Mains Pepper Smoked lard, ca. 2 slices into small cubes Salt ...

The fillets from the hair are cut out and cut into fairly thick pieces, knocked a little in shape like a tournedos. (The rest of the hair can be cooked with vegetables, pills from the leg and used in a nice hareragout). The small hare fillets roast on the fore

Sauces Pepper Port wine Salt ...

The morkles, black mushrooms, are sown from the liquid, the mushrooms are chopped and flaked in the butter with onions and the flour is sprinkled over before the cream and fungus are added. The sauce boil through and season with salt, pepper and port wine.

Mains The siede sky evt. added chanterelles Extra lingonberry EVS. suit ...

The hair dries up in whole milk or whole milk for a day and rinses and all obstacles are removed. It is wiped and put on thin slices of smoked sprouts in a pan and possibly. With a little spatter strips, crushed juniper and butterballs over. Put in a very hot

Mains Nutmeg Olive oil Pepper. White ...

Roll out the butter dough and cover 4 small tartlets, about 9 cm in diameter. Grease the bottom of an empty pie and put it on top of it with the dough, place a baking sheet or something else so the butter dough does not push the molds up. Bake at 170 degrees C

Mains EVS. maizenamel Green pickled tomatoes White pepper ...

The chopped wild pork and teaspoon stir well together. The meat is divided into 200 g steaks. The steaks are baked on the pan in olive oil and cooked in the oven at 200 degrees C for 10-15 minutes. Skysauce: Scallops, onions and carrots are cut and sautéed