Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Bread, buns & biscuits Active dry yeast Oil Salt ...

Pour into the bet in the given order Bake on program 3

Lunch Hokkaido græsker/buttermut pumpkin Milk Chicken ...

Peel the beetroots and cut them into about 1 cm3 large pieces. There must be as many squares as you can have in two hands in total, times 2. Cut a corresponding amount of pumpkin. Boil the chicken meat for 10 minutes, until it is cooked and cut into tern. Mix

Mains Salt Water Black pepper, coarsely ground by means ...

Place the meat in a 4 liter pan and cover with cold water. The water must stand about 1 cm. Over the meat. Bring in the boil and foam the surface of the impurities along the way. Add all vegetables, 2 tsp. Salt, pepper and bay leaves. Add if necessary. More wa

Cold cuts Grovkværnet 5-pepper mixture Wheat flour Whole milk ...

Make a Bechamelsovs by melting butter and stirring flour. Warm through until total. Gradually add whipped cream and milk and cook the sauce through each time you add liquid. Add all salt and pepper. Cool completely if you want to freeze the raw liver postage.

Mains Salt Cayenne pepper Fresh whole grain pasta ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees (no hot air) Cook the pasta as directed on the package. Heat a pan and put the oil on. Stir onion and garlic until it changes color and then bring red pepper on the forehead and raise it all for a few minutes. Then chopped

Sides Flake salt or coarse salt A little sugar Topping ...

Soak the water and add yeast and sugar, leave it for 5 minutes. Add olive oil and stir the flour for a little while. The dough is now very sticky. Knead to the dough is smooth, and set it aside until it has approx. Double size. mine. 1 hour longer. Take the

Mains Lemon oil Hasselbach potatoes Garlic oil ...

Cooking on rotary spikes on gas grill over indirect heat. To get the best results before grilling, the steps must be shaped and lined with cotton yarn to make it as round as possible. Brush the steps with the oil mixture and sprinkle with salt, pepper and sp

Bread, buns & biscuits Honey Olive oil Salt ...

Dissolve yeast in temperate water Bring oil salt and honey into water and yeast stir around. Then bring the flour and stir for approx. 10 minutes. Use a stirrer Set for hovering covered in a stuck place 1 hour. Then divide the dough into 3 (use 2 spoonful