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Recipes with Salt

Sides Salt Raisins Butter ...

Water, salt and butter to the boil, add the rice and sprinkled in and boils under tight-fitting lid for 12 minutes at low heat. Then they stand (still with lid on) in 12 minutes. The rice can be mixed with raisins and squeezed in URf.eks. lubricated egg cups.

Mains Paprika Salt Lied ...

put a pan on the burner and put baconnet on. Inserts løjene into strips and put them on then, too. Let it cook a little and add a bit of paprika to give a little color. put so kyllingenternene and rice on and let it get Golden. Add the ham strips and season wi

Buffets Butter for pan Salt Sugar ...

1. Beat eggs in a bowl. whisk it together with sugar, salt and flour. 2. Add milk and style it the fridge for 30 min. 3. Add dough at paden and eat them afterwards. Tips: It's just something that turns the stomach. You can only eat two and then one c

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Ossobucoen scratched their edges (so that the ik bends together) and sauté in the oil. Sample is split into 6 boats each, and sauté with. The skinned tomatoes, water, bulion, spices and coarsely chopped garlic added. The whole simmer, covered, for 2-2.5 hou

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped tomatoes, canned ...

Bacon roasted in a pan is taken up on fedsugende paper and saved for garnish. Tenderloin cut into slices and reversed in flour and Brown in the Pan, be taken up on a plate. The onion into half slices Brown along with mushroom in skver. Add the tomato

Soups Grøntsagsboullion Okseboullion Pepper ...

Cilantro yogurt: mix yogurt and coriander leaves and let it soak 1/2-1 hour. Potato-Leek Soup with Cumin and coriander seeds cumin and coriander seeds coarse: impact. Chop onion and garlic coarsely. Slice the Leek in slice approximately 1 cm. and potatoes i

Cakes Baking soda Grated lemon rind Banana ...

Preparation of Base: mix sugar and butter well, then add the eggs, lemon zest and a little salt. Knead the flour slowly in as the last. Baking soda and sugar mix well. Preparation of the cream: Beat sugar, eggs, vanilla and flour together in a saucepan over

Sides Pepper Grated lemon rind and juice to taste Salt ...

Courgetterne split and deseed dug out with a spoon. Then be divided courgetterne into 2 equal pieces. Boil them in salted water for 2 minutes. Onto of and put into a baking dish on the curved side. Brush the mushrooms clean. Share the mushrooms if they are