Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Red bell pepper

Sides A little fresh thyme Pepper Salt ...

Cut the squashene in slices, the Aubergine in big cubes and onions and peppers in slices. Saute all the vegetables in oil in a pan. Came the peeled tomatoes and wine in and add the crushed garlic cloves, thyme, salt and pepper. Let the bugs under the lid

Appetizers Barbecue spice Cooking oil Pepper ...

Over the thighs boned and bacon added into where the leg is set aside the pieces reversed in egg and bread crumbs seasoned with salt pepper and grill spice Fried Golden on the forehead. Onions and bell peppers cut into squares, sauté in a pan with cooking o

Mains Liquid margarine Oil Pepper ...

The meat is mixed with onion, milk, salt, pepper, eggs, flour, pressed garlic, minced peppers into small cubes and minced scallions. And then fried in oil and liquid margarine.

Mains Pepper Salt Mustard ...

Sauté the sliced peppers, and mushroom porere, without the tar coloring on the forehead, and it came over in a greased casserole dish. Cut the tenderloin into 8 patties, Brown on both sides and season with salt and pepper. Butter steaks with mustard and

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

Rinse the peppers, share them lengthwise and remove the giblets. Cut them into thin strips. Arrow the onion, and part it into quarters both. Saute bell pepper and onion to the Pan, and fry the chicken fillets map on both sides between onions and peppers. Tag k

Mains Grated cheese Butter Large onion ...

Cut the potatoes and pepper moisture in small cubes. The bacon cut into small cubes. Onion chopped (very fine). klæk ægene out in a bowl, and whip it (by hand) along with the milk. Sauté onion and bell pepper in butter finhakket. Pour over potatoes and derf

Mains Cucumbers Bacon Grated cheese ...

Low a number of patties of chopping the meat. Put some grated cheese on bi-steak, and put another steak on top. Put a piece of bacon around, and fry it in the pan until you are sure that the steak is done completely through. Make a dish salad with cucumbers an

Mains Boil water from cabbage Milk (mini milk can do it) Gratineringsost (the one you like best) ...

Average white cabbage-not too small pieces Boil it in salted water. Save ca 1/2 l. of fluid. Sauté the minced meat-remember to spice up with salt and pepper. Clean the peppers and cut them into squares/strips. Butter a large heat-proof dish and came half of wh