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Recipes with Pepper fruit

Salads White pepper Salt Pepper fruit ...

Pipe rygeosten along with cream. Rinse the cucumber and cut it into small cubes. 'S peanuts and cut them into small slices. 'S peberfrugten and cut it into small pieces. Clip purløget fine. The finely ground vegetables came in mass and flavor to smoked cheese

Salads Salt Oil Water ...

Cut the asparagus in ca. 2 cm long pieces. Peel Kaikan, and cut it and the other ingredients into cubes. Mix everything with the dressing. The dressing: mix the oil and water with lemon juice flavored with salt.

Salads A few leaves of lettuce Salt Cucumber ...

Bulguren rinse with cold water and let it drain in a tea towel. Remove frøstolen and peberfrugten and tomateerne cut in small pieces. Peel the cucumber and cut it into small pieces. Chop the onion and parsley separately. Put lettuce leaves stresses in Sa

Mains Salt Garlic Onion ...

The tart Base: mix the two kinds of flour and crumble the fat in it. Add salt and water and knead the dough together quickly. Roll the dough out and line a pie dish with it. Forbag bottom approx. 20 minutes at 200 °. Filling: Arrow and chop onion. Heat the oil

Mains Fromage blanc Pepper fruit Mustard ...

The spinach squeezed free from moisture and chop coarsely. Stir in egg yolks and seasoned with salt and pepper. Whites whipped stiff and reversed in with cheese. Lubrication out on wax paper and Bake 10 min at 200 g rader. Ham, pepper cubes, fromage blanc and

Soups Peeled tomatoes Paprika Pepper ...

Margarine is melted. Herein is complied with the flesh, the sliced onion, chopped bell pepper and peeled tomatoes. The Brown well, then finely chopped spinach and spices added. There stirred around some minutes until the spinach is slightly soft, after which t

Soups Basil Chili Paprika ...

Put the chickpeas to soak the day before and boil them until tender in about 1 hour. Saute the onion, garlic, Zucchini and celery in oil in a thick-bottomed saucepan. Add the spices and tomatoes and bell pepper cut into small pieces. Let it all simmer for 8

Pickling Cucumbers Cauliflower Chili ...

Lage: Sugar, mustard, spices, curry powder and vinegar mix cold. (save a little vinegar to touch up with maizenaen) Lagen boils up and added melantin and corn flour. Then boil for 10 minutes. Filling: the vegetables be rearranged and cut or peeled, in small