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Recipes with Onion

Soups Pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

Arrow the onions and cut them into slices. Melt the fat in a soup pan and fry onions in it. Sprinkle the flour over and infants with broth and let Cook about 15 minutes, Set the oven at 225 degrees. Toast bread slices in the oven. Pour soup into 4 ovnfaste ind

Soups Pepper Salt Light broth ...

Arrow the onions, cut them through lengthwise and cut them into slices. Sauté the onions in the butter is lightly golden. Add the Lager and the broth and let soup boil about 15 minutes lid. Taste the soup with garlic, salt and pepper, and serve it with warm ch

Soups Broth Pepper Parsley ...

Onions chop finely and FRY in half of the butter, stirring, until light brown. Water or broth is added, and it boils approximately ½ hour. Sliced oyster mushroom sautéed in the rest of the butter and add to the soup, which now is boiling on in 10 min. add chop

Soups Gruyère, cheese Wheat flour Veal or chicken stock ...

Arrow the onions and cut them into thin slices. Sauté them in butter in a thick-bottomed pan, until onions are browned. Sprinkle the flour over and sauté another minute. Add the veal or chicken stock, salt and pepper. Taste it before you salter, for the broth

Soups Pepper Salt Marjoram ...

Willow buds and cut them sliced. Clean the leeks and cut them into thin slices. Saute both clear in the butter in a saucepan-it must not become Brown. Add the broth and season with salt, pepper and Marjoram. Let the soup boil for 15 minutes, cut the peppers in

Soups Pepper Salt Oil ...

The onions cut into thin rings and FRY in the hot oil. Pour the water and bouillon cubes in the pan with the onions and let it boil for approximately 5-10 minutes. Taste the soup with salt and pepper. Pour the soup in individual bowls, ovnfaste put a piece of

Soups Basil or lemon balm Cream Pepper ...

Clean the vegetables and slice the onion and leeks into rings-tag most of the top with. cut the peeled potatoes into small pieces and toss the vegetables around in butter over low heat in 8-10 min. Add the soup, chives and a little salt and pepper and cook the

Soups Pepper Salt Onion ...

Onions, foårsløg and rødlæg cut into thin slices and are distributed in two micro-appropriate individual bowls. Pour 2 cups of broth in each plate and cover loosely with the microfilm. Set in the microwave at full power for 3 minutes. Advantage radishes and ch